End Spring Training

Start from the beginning

Hiori: "or maybe something else?"

Teru: "i will take a look."

Mano: "i'm come too."

While Teru and Mano go to the door, the girls get panic thanks to Miki that loud enough for those hear.

They just want to go away but already late, Mano open the door follow with Teru behind her and saw nine other idols already arrive.

Teru: "oh you all here now."

Mirai: "ehehe, sorry to disturb your practice."

Mano: "ah its ok, we also just start not long."

Miki: "Haruka those two?"

Haruka: "etto they are... "

Teru: "let's introduce in side, come on."

Uzuki: "haik, sorry to interrupting."

Shizuka: "excuse us."

Mio: "we in now."

Chihaya: "sorry, excuse us."

Then they all finally gather together and doing them properly introduce. Before they all practice together.

While in first day not really good yet, most of them not in sync while dancing. but they still get sync in singing but still not good enough.

Midnight come and they all already sleep in each room, except Haruka, She still wake up and can't sleep even already midnight. In her mind only think how to make the surprise success.

Not just Haruka, the other leader also can't sleep to night even this just the first night.

The next day, they all do them usual practice like the plan from the start. Just the diffirent is them leader more serious in something after practice.

Like after few days each leader stay wake up and endup practice in night time, that's why almost every morning is hard to wake them up for morning practice together.

Until the last day they practice together, at noon they do them last practice them dance for joint concert in whole summer after today and go back seprate again for each production practice together. Their hard practice finally paid off, they all now in sync neither in dance or singing.

Until night time come, because it's was them last night together in this camp not only Haruka that can't sleep, the others leader like her, Uzuki, Mirai, Teru and Mano also can't sleep too. With that, they use this chance to think about their surprise for the concert and anything for it.

Even it's cold in time like this but the stars more beauty, make them more want to hard work for the joint concert so they can be like those stars.

Morning finally come and they finish them packing and ready to back, but before that they also left them sign like they did before and also take picture together in front them camp like usual they with each production did before it.


Saa we meet again ~~


Haik haik, this time like reader-san just read, this full about all main trio desu...

So long... Desho.

Zaher was planning to make this into two part but i guess i can keep in one chapter

And plus I know we have two Tsubasa in one chapter so I hope reader-san can see which Tsubasa from Milion Live and Tsubasa from SideM

(Zaher can't make the different for those two in the story, but reader-san can imagine it too)

Hope it not so slopy really

(because Zaher have hard time to think this plot, even already listen each brance version of nandodemo waraou)

Yep, this chapter idea come out after all version of nandodemo waraou realised.

(and Zaher crying for it)


sorry to exciting ^^"

and more again, pop links finally open beta play only 2 more day, and i gonna try it too later

Jaaa see you next chapter

Bye bye 👋👋👋👋👋👋

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