"Well you remember what happened the first time James met someone who said she liked him. How can we not be cautious when it comes to romance? And Lily is too trusting for her own good. She's like Rose- always wants to give people second chances, always sees the good in people."

"That incident with James was a fluke! You haven't had anything happen in a long time. In fact, James is still single."

He grimaced. "He's working on it. Let him be. And that 'incident' was Merope Li trying to drug him with amortentia! That's the same kind of 'fluke' that affected Brody when Lana gave him amortentia and he came a serial killer last year?"

They landed softly on the green grass of the quidditch field. She shooed him off her broom and scowled at him.

"That's not going to happen if you just trust other people. Scorpius and I wouldn't do anything to your cousins. You've seen firsthand how infatuated he is with Rose. And Roxanne and I are getting somewhere, but this thing between us isn't going to progress if you're not comfortable with it. I respect you and value your friendship, Albus. If you think I'm not worthy of Roxanne, then tell me. Don't just mope around."

His mood dropped instantly. "Thea, it's not that I don't trust you and Scorpius. I just don't want my family to be hurt. I don't want to have to explain to my dad that Lily is losing her mind over amortentia that some loser Gryffindor coerced her into drink. I don't want to face my aunt Hermione and tell her that my best friend obliviated her only daughter after James and I promised we'd look after her like she was our own sister. Our parents have been through enough."

Althea set her chin ontop of her folded hands at the top of her broom. "That's fair. I see where you're coming from. Well in that case, Scorpius and I will give you full reports on our love lives."

"Wait-hold on- I don't want that-"

She cut him off immediately. "Zip it, Potter. You need to learn the Bludger Backbeat before you try arguing with me on this field."


The test scores were passed out at the end of the following class period. He couldn't stop the smile from splitting across his face.

"Albus Potter, a word before you leave?" Professor Babbling called out.

He schooled his face into the appropriate emotions and walked past a cluster of Ravenclaw girls, at the center of which was Diana Thomas. He could tell because she had the signature blue ribbon wrapped around her half-ponytail.

"Yes, Professor?" he shoved his hands into his pockets, a perfect imitation of a slacking student.

"Is everything okay at home?"

"Yes Professor." he cupped the back of his neck. "Is this about my grades?"

Professor Babbling removed her half-moon reading glasses and set them on the mahogany table. "You're a smart student, Albus. I would hate to see you lose that roll on the second semester. I really hope to see your grades improve in lab and in lecture. I'll be watching your quiz scores until the next test. I expect a better grade. Try putting forth a little more effort. Did you at least study over break?"

"I'm struggling to grasp the material this time around." he sighed with extra force. "Diana Thomas used to clarify some concepts but she told me she's too booked up for me to make a tutoring appointment this year-"

"Oh nonsense." Professor Babbling reached down to scribble something onto a sheet of parchment paper and stamped it with her seal before handing it to him. "Give this to Ms. Thomas. Set up a schedule with her for studying at let me know when you do."

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