Wilbur Drabble

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He thought about how much he loves you.

Those beautiful eyes that give him a feeling akin to a dream he doesn't want to wake from. That contagious laugh, similar to a melodious songbird in those sappy Disney films. That all encompassing warmth you provide him with was unlike anything he's ever felt, and he adored it.

Yes, he adores you with every fiber of his being. From the strands of his hair to the tips of his toes, he loves you.

Wilbur was absolutely whipped for you, but you would never know. He couldn't let you know. There were too many factors against him, and he didn't know if he could deal with rejection from you. You lived on separate continents, that damned Atlantic Ocean separating you. Sometimes he wished he could just move to America and visit you. He wanted to see those beautiful eyes in person and hear that laugh with his own ears, no screens to filter it. He couldn't, he knew, but a man can dream, right?

He knew you had a crush on Schlatt. You hid it pretty well, he had to say, but he knew you too well. The way your voice would stumble over itself, the way your movement in game would get a little more clumsy whenever he was in your streams. Wilbur thought it was cute, but he wished you had done those things in relation to him: not Schlatt.

He knew that Cooper felt something for you as well, he's not stupid; he's heard the way his voice lights up whenever you pop into one of his streams. He's heard the way Cooper flirts with you (as a joke, he says, but Wilbur knew it wasn't)

There were too many odds against him, so he was content with hiding it. Talking to you over voice chat was plenty, hearing your laugh and your utterly stupid sense of humor was plenty. He was fine with it. He was fine with being your close friend, but he would be more than fine if, in some improbable reality, you guys dated.

But that'd never happen. In Wilbur's mind, there was no way.

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