history of magic [ng]

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4th Year - Albus Potter, Rose Granger-Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy


"Quickly" Professor Binns' monotone voice droned. The crowd of students hurried through the doorway into the History of Magic classroom.
"Get out your textbooks" he slurred, gliding across the stone floor to hover behind his desk.

The forth years filed into the cold, grey room in a wave of chatter. Amongst them, Rose Granger-Weasley and her cousin Albus Potter. She tied her hair back neatly in a ponytail as she took her seat.

"Al" she whispered, "Al!"
Her cousin's head snapped in her direction, "what?"
"Look at your textbook!" She whispered, waving her own open book in the air. As he sat down next to her, Albus too opened his.

"The Battle of Hogwarts" he read the title out loud. "Oh merlin, as if we don't already know enough"

"Silence" Professor Binns' dull voice carried through the room causing everyone to fall silent and face the front.
"Today we are learning about the great battle that took place in these very halls. Turn to page 279 and we'll begin reading"

Albus already felt eyes in his back and they hadn't even started yet. If it weren't for a corny illustration of his father in the textbook he might have just survived. He slouched on his stool and leant his chin onto his hand.

"Mr Potter, it seems fitting that you start the reading. Begin" the professor ordered, as he peered through the ghostly glass of his spectacles.
"Sir I'd rather not" Albus muttered, slouching down in his seat so far his ears might as well have been connected to his shoulders.
"Nonsense, begin"

Albus sat up straight and sighed. He took a quick look around at his peers and then cleared his throat.
"The Battle of Hogwarts occurred on the 2nd May 1998" he stammered, "at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This battle is particularly famous for marking the end of the Second Wizarding War as Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort" Albus looked up in hopes that he would be permitted to stop reading. Instead he was unsurprised to see the Professor snoozing mid-float.

"Keep reading!" Rose hissed and nudged his arm gently.
"You read it then" Albus suggested, pushing his book away from him.
"Fine" Rose rolled her eyes and hunched over her page. "The battle began when the dark lord learned that his archenemy Harry Potter had secretly ventured into the castle to locate and destroy one of his final horcruxes"
"Footnote" she read out load, "a horcrux is a small, concealable object in which someone hides part of their soul. To read more about Voldemort's horcruxes, turn to page 265"

"You're not supposed to read out the footnotes Weasley" a voice interrupted her.
"Granger-Weasley" Rose corrected with pride, "besides, if you'd rather read, be my guest Malfoy"

Scropius Malfoy shrugged his shoulders, "sure. The dark lord had assembled an army of Death Eaters and magical creatures against Potter's army including the Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts faculty, students, parents and residents of Hogsmead, the local wizarding village.
"Notable members in Potter's army include Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley who aided him in the prior search to find Voldemort's horcruxes. Notable Death Eaters include Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback (werewolf), Barty Crouch Jr. and Antonin Dolohov"

"Oi I think you missed a name Malfoy" Merula Vince snickered, interrupting him rudely. The remark was made as Scorpius skipped over the name of his grandfather that seemed to burn a hole in his eyes.

"Leave him alone!" Rose cried, "he's done nothing to you"

Scorpius slammed his textbook closed and stormed off. In his anger, he forgot to check where was was walking and got an almighty chill as he accidentally walked through his sleeping Professor.

Rose turned around to glare at Merula, her nostrils flared. "How dare you?" She asked accusingly, "how would you like it if I said your family were a whole load of useless during the battle? You don't see their names in this textbook, do you? Scorpius can't help who his family are, how about you just let him live!"

Rose stood up in a huff and walked out furiously. Having no idea where she wanted to go, she found her legs carry her in the direction of the Slytherin corridor.

As she was supposed to be in class, the castle's corridors were almost empty apart from some 6th or 7th year students who had a free period.
"Scorpius?" Rose whispered, poking her head round corners to see if her classmate was hiding anywhere.

She was almost at the dungeons when she saw him. He was sitting on his own and appeared to be practicing a spell as purple sparks sprouted from the top of his wand.
"Scorpius!" Rose rejoiced, startling the platinum haired boy.
"What are you doing here Rose?" Scorpius sighed, "come to finish what your fellow Gryffindor started?"

"What? Merula?" Rose sat beside him, "no I gave her a piece of my mind and then left like you did. I actually came to check you're ok"
Scorpius blinked at her, he didn't quite know how to react, "oh, er thanks then"

The odd pair sat in silence for an awkward minute before Rose spoke up again, "it's not your fault you know, about your family and what they did"
Scorpius sighed and looked at her, "yeah I know, but that doesn't stop everyone from bringing it up every time. It's so frustrating because I feel like I didn't do anything wrong but I'm getting punished anyway"

Surprising even herself, Rose took his hand, "I understand and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way"
"Oh er, no you haven't don't worry"

The warmth of her hand on his made his skin tingle slightly and an unfamiliar feeling crept up on him.

"Rose?" he asked.
"Would you ever want to hang out? Or maybe we could study together or-"
"I'd love to" Rose blushed, "how about Hogsmead next weekend?"
Scorpius breathed out a sigh of relief and stood up, "great, I'll see you then"
He beamed a huge smile and disappeared into the Slytherin common room.

"See you then" Rose whispered. As she skipped back in the direction of Gryffindor tower her cheeks were brighter than they had ever been before.

Thanks for reading!

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