summer strolls [h]

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6th Year- Harry
5th Year- Ginny

The day after Harry and Ginny's first kiss in the Gryffindor common room.


"Oi Potter!"

Harry looked up from his breakfast to see Colin Creevey striding down the hall. He reached where Harry was sitting and stopped.

"Weasley's looking for you"

Ron looked up from his porridge, food smothered across his chin, "wha? No I'm not. I'm sitting in front of him ya lunatic"

"No, Ginny is" Colin said, "she's waiting for you in the library"
Harry nodded putting down his spoon, "ok great, thanks Colin"

Colin smiled, gave a slight nod and then headed further up the Gryffindor table to find his friends. Hermione smirked into her copy of the Daily Prophet.

Still stuffing his face, Ron snorted. "The library? It's a Saturday! Poor you Harry"
Hermione finally looked up from reading a seemingly fascinating article about recent troll migrations interfering with muggle farming. 
"Oh honestly Ronald, I hardly think they'll be studying" she eyed Harry closely, "especially not after that stunt in the common room last night"

Harry blushed and Ron simultaneously groaned throwing down his spoon.
"Hermione I was trying to forget that!" Ron fumed, "I don't want to think about Harry snogging Ginny" he shuddered.

Harry rolled his eyes standing up. "Right, well I guess I should go then... see you guys later"

He began walking down the length of the great hall towards the door when he heard a shout behind him.

"Harry if you do end up studying, pick me up a book on ancient runes!"

Harry waved his hand in the air in acknowledgment of Hermione a request and continued his way out of the great hall. He shoved his hands into his pockets , fumbling with a scrap of old parchment he'd forgotten about buried deep in the fabric of his robes.

As he hastily made his way to the library, Harry's mind tried to predict why Ginny had requested his presence. And why she didn't tell him herself, for Harry had seen the red haired beauty leave breakfast not half an hour before.

As you'd expect of any teenage boy, Harry immediate hope and secret desire was not necessarily PG. But the library was not the place for such things. Unless the library was merely a meeting point before they headed elsewhere? No, it seemed unlikely.

A sudden and dreadful thought then thrusted itself upon his mind, what if she really was wanting to study? There was nothing Harry could help her with, except maybe defence against the dark arts. Not that Harry would turn down the chance to study with a beautiful girl, it's just that there are plenty of better ways he could think of spending their shared time. Not studying for example.

Eventually, Harry neared the libraries entrance. He entered tentatively. Being a Saturday morning, the library was virtually empty bar a Hermione type in their first or second year.

Madam Pince passed him hovering a stack of books. "Good morning Mr Potter; Miss Weasley is waiting for you in the astrology section"
Harry gave her a polite nod of thanks and then made a beeline for the waiting girl.

He saw her peering over a book, scribbling down something illegible on a roll of parchment.
'Crap' Harry thought, 'studying it is'

But not a moment too soon, Ginny looked up and sighed a huge sigh of relief. "Oh Harry, good you're here" she snapped the book shut and slid it across the table so hard that it skidded right off the other side and onto the floor making a loud thud.

Harry Potter OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora