Chapter 10-forest of death

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3rd person pov
Anko started explaining the rules for the forest of death-the 2nd part of the exams.
We couldn't quit, we couldn't open the scrolls, and we had to get to the tower in 5 days. Team 11 walked to the gate where they would enter the forest. Tamaki was standing there, going to tell the team good luck. When he did, they all nodded and gave small thanks to their Sensei. They all took deep breaths, then the gate opened and they ran inside.
Team 11 had a heaven scroll, so they were looking for an earth scroll. They were running for about an hour when they all heard more people. They hid in a bush and concealed their chakra. It was a random team, they didn't know who they were. Team 11 all looked at each other and nodded. They jumped up and attacked the team. When they noticed, they put their arms up in defense, but it didn't work. They were knocked to the ground.
Asuka threw senbon, while the boys threw kunai and Shuriken. The other team smirked, and one spoke up.
"We've been waiting for you, 11 tails.." he said. Asuka's eyes widened and she froze. The boys glared. They knew that this would affect Asuka, since they already knew about the beast inside of her. Asuka stared in fear. She started breathing heavily and sweating. Haru and Toya called out to her, but she couldn't hear it. One ninja from the other team ran up to her. He slowed down, the poked her on the head. Asuka's eyes widened even more as she drooped on her knees. She was shaking now. Toya and Haru looked in fear as the girl whimpered. They ran to her side. Haru picked her up bridal style and they jumped away.
They ran for a couple minutes before the were sure they lost them. Haru set Asuka down as they looked at her in sorrow. Asuka was still shaking, sweating, breathing heavily and whimpering.
"L-Let's keep going..." she managed to get out as she struggled to get up.
"No! You need rest!" Haru argued. Asuka shook her head as she stood on both feet. She just jumped in to the trees. Haru and Toya frowned, then followed.
When they made it to the tower, Asuka had already started getting used to the pain. She was still shaking, but had stopped whimpering. They opened the door to the tower and read the sign. It was clear that they had to open both scrolls at once. When the did, Iruka sensei appeared. He looked at all of them and told them how proud he was.
When he laid his eyes on Asuka, he frowned. He knew what might happen, if someone doesn't stop it-no matter who it was.
The 11 tailed beast was going to stop acting up, they all knew. He looked in worry as he frowned. Asuka walked over and sat down, causing her to wince from the pain. Haru and Toya looked at their old academy teacher. Iruka just said,
"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be okay." They boys weren't too sure, but they just nodded. They walked over and sat on either side of the hurting girl. Slowly, they all started drifting off to sleep.
        "Oh, how things will drastically turn."

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