A Manic Monday

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Just an average Monday... not!

Chapter One

You wake up at dawn, leave your room and begin to prepare breakfast for all the teens. You leave a lot for the teens to do, so they learn to be independent. You then walk upstairs, preparing to wake the teens. Once up the stairs, you're standing in a hallway, lined with doors.
You pass by the doors, knocking loudly on each one.
"Wake up, boys!" You yell, "Time for school!"
You stop your knocking at the last door, number 8, which is Henry Pearl's room. You let him sleep, since  at night, you home school him. You rush down the hallway and back downstairs. Tapping for foot impatiently, waiting for the teens to come down the stairs.
Simon is first, as expected, dressed in his red jumper and impeccable hairstyle. You greet Simon with a polite smile, he responds with a nod.
Next, Gordon and Henry Deaver, neither of them making eye contact with you. You see that Deaver is being shy again, which is a sign he's had another nightmare.
"Deaver!" You call, getting his attention.
The kid looks at you, you gesture him to come to you and he obeys. You make sure he's close enough to hear you whisper before you start talking.
"Have you had another nightmare?" You ask.
Deaver nods, "Yes, ma'am."
"Do you want to talk about it?" You ask.
The kid looks up at you, his eyes filled with tears. You see his is upset and embarrassed about having these nightmares. You gently run your hand down his face, letting your motherly love show.
"They're just dreams, sweetheart." You say, "They can't hurt you."
Deaver wipes his tears away with the back of his hand, he smiles at you, loving when you use your motherly love.
"Thank you, ma'am." He says.
You smile and watch as Deaver joins the other teens in the kitchen.
"F**k off!" A voice calls from behind you.
"Roman." You mutter.
You turn around, to see Roman and Mickey walking down the stairs. They were talking to each other, Roman not looking impressed.
"F**k off!" Roman repeated, turning away from Mickey.
"Godfrey!" You yell, "Watch your language!"
"Sorry, ma'am." Roman says, rolling his eyes.
You don't react to Roman's attitude, knowing he's just being a moody teenager.
"Ma'am!" Another voice calls, from upstairs.
You look up to see Henry Pearl looking down at you.
He has a worried expression on his face.
"What's wrong?" You ask, walking towards him.
"I think somethings wrong with Axel." Henry says, "I heard him swearing from inside his room."
You cuss under your breath, you rush up the stairs and hurry to Axel's (Zeitgeist) room.
You bang on the door, "Zeitgeist! Is everything alright in there?"
The door opens, "Sort off." Axel answers.
Axel covers his mouth with his acid-proof mask and walks past you. You look inside the room, to see a patch of acid in the floor.
"Oh good lord." You sigh.
"Should I get to cleaning gear, ma'am?" Henry asks.
"Oh, yes please," You answer.
You stand in Axel's room, staring at the acid patch. Luckily, Zeitgeist's room is coated with a special acid-proof chemical, so the floor isn't disintegrating. Henry returns with a the cleaning gear, (specially altered by you to be acid-proof). You step over the acid and walk back to the doorway.
"Thank you, sweetheart." You say, taking the gear from Henry.
He smiles, "Do you need anymore help?"
"No, thank you, sweetheart." You say, "Go back to sleep, you have a busy night tonight."
"Yes, thank you, ma'am." Henry says, walking back to his own room.

Chapter Two

After cleaning the disaster in Zeitgeist's room, you head back downstairs and towards the kitchen. Once you near it, you hear commotion. You rush in, dreading what carriage has taken place while you've been gone.
You run in, just in time to see Axel and Mickey restraining Roman, while Simon sits in the floor, hands over his face.
"What's going on?" You ask, both concerned and frustrated.
"That bastard hit me!" Roman growls.
"He touched me first." Simon muttered looking up at you.
You jump when you see Simon's face, a bruise is beginning to appear on his right cheek.
"Roman punched him." Axel explains.
Roman elbowed Axel in the shoulder, "F**k you, acid face!" He scowled.
"Godfrey!" You yell, "Watch your language!"
A loud banging suddenly came from under the floor and all the teens froze. They all looked at each other, fearful expressions on their faces.
"Look what you've done!" You yell, "You've woken Pennywise!"
You look down at your watch then back at the teens, "Right, be ready to go in 10 minutes. I'll go and sort the clown out."
You turn away, but before you go, you quickly turn back.
"Behave yourselves." You said, "Or you'll be grounded for the rest of the month."
You walk away, storming towards the basement door. You pull it opened and step inside the small area. You press a tiny button and a large trapdoor opens. You descend the winding stairs, into the dingy basement. You finally arrive at a huge iron cage. You peer through the bars and see two yellow eyes staring back at you.
"Hello, Penn." You say, kindly.
The clown stands on the other side of the bars, clenching the iron poles with its gloved hands.
"Lots of noise up there." It says, smiling its eerie grin.
"The teens were having a fight." You say, "Nothing out of the ordinary."
The clown turns away and walks into the darkness of the cage. You can faintly see the silhouette of the clown, as it slumps over and falls back into its deep slumber.
"Thank god." You mutter, walking back up the stairs.
You shut the trapdoor and exit through the basement door. You head back towards the kitchen.
"Ow, f**k." One of the teens calls from the kitchen.
You step into the kitchen and see Mickey and Simon standing by the sink. Simon was holding an ice pack on his face and Mickey was running his fingers in water.
"Everything alright, boys?" You ask.
"Yeah, I just burnt myself on the coffee machine." Mickey answers.
You turn to look at Simon, "How's your face, sweetheart?"
"It hurts." Simon answers.
You look down at your watch and begin to panic.
"Good lord!" You gasp, "We need to hurry!"
You rush towards the front door, most of the teens are already there.
"Right, Zeitgeist, you're coming with me." You say, "And the rest of you, the bus should arrive in 10 minutes."
You open the front door and walk down the path, towards the garage. You turn around, just before the teens left the premises.
"Behave yourselves!" You yell, turning back towards the garage.
Zeitgeist is already sat in the passenger seat of your car. You have to drive Zeitgeist to a special school in the next town over (He needs to go their, because he spits acid.)
You turn on the engine and drive down the driveway. While you're driving, you decide to ask Axel about the fight this morning.
"So, what happened between Simon and Roman?" You ask.
"Well, Roman accidentally bumped into Simon." Axel explains, "Obviously, Simon slapped him. Roman just lost it and punched him."
You sigh, "And they woke Pennywise with all the noise. Luckily it went back to sleep."

Chapter three

(Hours pass, school is finished and the teens are in their way home)
You sit in your office, paying your bills and doing the banking. The front door suddenly swings open, and the teens come in. Hearing the loud chatter of the teens, reminds you of the time, you stand up and walk into the living room. All the teens are sat on the huge couches, staring at the television.
"Right, listen up!" You say, "I've got to go out for a while, I'll be back at 4. Behave yourselves, please."
"Yes, ma'am." The teens say, in unison.
You grab your purse from the kitchen counter and head out the door. You needed to go grocery shopping, since your were running low on food. You waited until the teens were home, just so you wouldn't be worried. You also wanted to get some more paints for Henry Pearl, thanking him for being helpful this morning.
You arrive back home at exactly 4pm. The teens are still in the living room, some watching TV and others doing their homework. You head into the kitchen and place the shopping bags down on the counter, when you suddenly hear a loud growling sound. You now notice the fridge door is open and that their is blood pooling on the floor. You step closer to the fridge and see it. Sitting in a pool of blood, crunching through a raw chicken, is Pennywise.
You scowl, then storm into the living room. You snatch the remote from the arm of the couch and switch of the television.
"Which one of you let Pennywise out!" You yell, angrily.
All the teens turn to look at Roman, how is looking sly and mischievous.
"Roman Godfrey, you should know better then to let that clown out!" You scold.
Roman looks up at you and smiles mischievously, You sigh, "Well, you know the house rules, Godfrey. Whoever let's it out, puts it back in."
The smile disappears from Roman's face, to be replaced with worry. You know that the teens fear Pennywise, but it is the house rules.
"Ok, everyone up." You say, "In your rooms, Action Stations! Let's go!"
The teens just up and rush up the stairs, leaving Roman behind. You suddenly remember that Henry Pearl is still asleep in his room, you don't want to frighten him with the sudden alarms. You grab the bag of paints and rush up the stairs. The teens are already in their rooms, preparing for the lockdown.
You bang on Henry's door, "Wake up, Sweetheart." You call.
You open the door, after hearing Henry gasp. Once inside, you shut and re-lock the door.
"Ma'am, what's going on?" Henry asks, worried.
Before you can answer, you hear Roman's voice yell "Action Stations!" and an alarm sounds. Bars fall from the doorframe and automatically lock.
"Had Pennywise escaped?" Henry questions, panicked.
You shake your head, "Roman let him out, he thought it was funny and well, you know the house rules."
"Whoever lets it out, puts it back in." Henry states, looking up at you.
Henry Pearl has memorized all the house rules and obeys each one, being one of the best behaving teens. You suddenly remember what you have in your hand. You walk to Henry's side and hand him the bag. He opens the bag and looks inside, his eye suddenly lighting up with excitement.
"New paints!" Henry cheers, "Oh, thank you, ma'am."
Henry hugs you, now beaming with excitement. With all the chaos that's happened today, it was nice to have something good happen.

Chapter Four

You and the teens were locked in their rooms for 20 minutes. You were starting to become a little worried, when finally the alarm sounded again. The bars unlocked and disappear back into the doorframe. You open the door and rush back downstairs. Roman was standing by the switch (What sets of the alarms and locks the house down), his hair all messed up and his face covered in grazes.
"He's back in the cage." Roman panted, out of breath.
"Good." You say, feeling relieved.
"I guess I'm grounded." Roman sighs.
You shake your head, "You've served your penalty, Roman. No more punishment is needed, as long as you've learned your lesson."
Roman nods, looking very guilty. You look at your watch and realize it is getting late.
"Hey, Godfrey, grab me my phone please." You ask, "I'm ordering pizza for tonight."
Roman smiles and walks off, he returns a few seconds later with your phone. You dial the number of the local pizza place. You order an array of pizza flavors, all the teens liking different flavors. After 10 minutes, a knock came from the front door. You open it, to see the young pizza delivery man, carry a stack of pizzas.
"Thank you, darling." You say, paying the man and taking the pizzas.
You shut the door with your foot and walk into the dining room. You gently place the pizzas down on the table, you take your favorite flavor and take it into the kitchen. You hide it in the fridge, just to be sure you get something to eat. You ordered two of your favorite flavor, so the teens would have some too. You rush back to the dining room. open the pizzas and arrange them on the table, along with plates, napkins and drinks.
"Boys!" You call, "Pizza's here!"
The teens jump up from the couch and walk into the dining room. Since it was night-time now, Pearl has joined the teens. They all came parading into the dining room, their eyes lighting up at the sight of the pizzas.
"Now, no fighting for the pizzas, boys." You say, "Enjoy."

You stand in the kitchen, watching over the teens. It was nice to see all the teens getting along, after such a day of chaos.

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