"Don't get there Claire. I did what I did because I wanted to, not for you to repay me. Don't you dare think you owe me, not even for a second. And wait, how are my wings not enough? Are you seriously thinking that?"

She looked at the window.

"You saved a life Nathan, a life that meant the world to me and I just did some repairs. Of course, it's not the same"

Oh my God that started bothering me a lot.

"You practically put your own life in danger for those "repairs". Stop. Just stop undervaluing yourself and your actions that much, will you?"

"Maybe you're right. I do that a lot..."

"Well stop it. Your gift can not be compared, plus... I got something way more valuable".

"What's that?" she asked baffled.

"The key to your lock. You gave me permission to unlock your inner beauty".

I caught her blushing understanding what I meant and couldn't help but chuckle.

"That was..."

"The greatest gift you could give me", I finished her sentence for her.

"Thanks", I added.


"For everything" I interrupted her words again already knowing that she would say something similar to: "I didn't do anything".

She eventually smiled innocently.

"You're welcome".


We reached the Academy slightly before sunrise. Claire was sleeping most of the time and I couldn't help but land my eyes on her from time to time. She was so beautiful and innocent and I couldn't get enough of it. I had just landed on her floor's balcony and let her down.

"It was an intense weekend, wasn't it?" I joked.

"Maybe, but still one of the best I've ever had". Her eyes sparkled and I could see the sun slowly rising behind me from her well polished mirrors of her soul.

"Well, I for sure am exhausted so I'll skip today. There are also some things I have to land my hands on back at the tribe. Be careful, yeah? And stay away from the sun wolves".

She nodded lively and I caressed her cheek.

"Don't disappear for one week again, please" she asked of me embracing my hand with hers.

"I won't I promise".

I saw her sparkle of her skin gently fading away as the first spark of sunlight replaced the last moonlight shine and eventually I let her go. I was about to jump down the balcony and fly to my room but she her voice stopped me.


I turned just to accept a deep kiss from her. I froze for a second but ended up responding. Before we part, she gave me a shy wave which I returned.

"Take care". 

I flew as fast as I could to my room afraid of being exposed to the human eye.  I wanted to leave my things and return to the Celestial World but the moment I opened the door an enormous shock hit me. Looks like I needn't to be that quiet after all.

Ian was totally making out with Rene on his bed and I was so unlucky to walk in just the moment she was taking off his shirt. I closed my eyes to and reopened them to make sure that it was real. Rene was the first one to notice me and quickly covered her body with the sheets.

"This is not what it looks like".

"So you're saying that you weren't about to frig just now".

Rene threw a pillow over to Ian and fixed her short hair.

"He attacked me".

Ian imitated her moves.

"No, she attacked me!" 

"Oh really? 'Cause both bodies were pressed together, or did my eyes fool me?"

"Your eyes fooled you. Yeah, that's it. Me? With Ian? Oh please!"

"Okay then. I'm going to leave those here and walk out quietly", I said putting my things next to my bed and Ian nodded intensively.

I took some steps back and closed the door behind me, leaving those two alone.

"So I attacked you. Maybe you want to see how that really feels". I heard Ian's voice from inside and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh shi-" Rene's voice followed.

Yeah, as if Ian would attack Rene. They were so lucky that I had to return to my Realm. Without analyzing it further I spread my wings and flew back to the Eclipse Tribe.

Sora of the MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant