“I hope so, I can’t seem to understand how they could do that to me but I guess I will never understand it.” I smiled back.

“Well don’t dwell on it, you may feel out of place now but it won’t last.” She replied.

We talked some more finishing our breakfast and then Leona left, talking to her really help make me feel a little better. It was comforting to know that at some point in time there was someone who was in my shoes and knows how I feel. I grabbed some much needed coffee and then made my way down the hall towards were Julius said his study was located.

I softly knocked on the door and after a few minutes Julius slowly opened the door.  “I hope I’m not interrupting I just wanted to say thank you.”

“Thank you for what?” He asked confused.

“Leona shared her story with me, it helps knowing that I’m not the only one ya know.” I admitted.

“Well I’m glad she decided to tell you, I didn’t feel it was right to share her story unless she wanted to. Things won’t be easy but now there you’re here we have to make the best of it.” He replied.

“I understand that, I’m not going to lie and say I’m going to love it but I will promise to be open minded.” I responded.

“That’s good because if you’re not then your gifts won’t work for you and you have the chance to truly have a strong power.” He smiled.

“I don’t know about all that but I will try.” I slightly smiled.

I was nervous about using the chains of destruction again, and just a few days ago I didn’t think demons existed. I had to get over it they do exist and now I’m one of them, this is my home now for better and for worst. 


I could feel the heat rising up my neck, I was boiling over with anger I couldn’t believe that this was happening right now. I grabbed the empty wine glass off the table and threw it on the floor shattering it to pieces, and Lucas my saber ushered the guards out of the room in shut the door behind him.

“Did that make you feel better?” My mother asked.

She wore a tight red dress and black heals that straps wrapped half way up her calf, she always dressed like she was younger then she was.

“Yes it did.” I bit out.

“You know you have no one to blame but yourself? I mean you had Julius the prince of one of the strongest clans in your bed. Of course you ruined it you couldn't hang on to him and now we are back at square one, our clan is not what it once was.” She seethed.

She got out of the gold and purple cushioned throne and walked over to the long dark oak wood table, I couldn't wait to redecorate this throne room. I knew one day this would all be mine, and if I didn't do something there wouldn't be anything left.

“Well if you recall it was you who convinced father to go up against the Belinta clan to try and force them to sign a treaty.” I countered.

“Your father was weak, he lost his life because he couldn't help his clan truly flourish the way it was supposed to. No he left that job to me and one day this will be yours and if you keep making mistakes you won't have much” She replied as she poured a glass for wined downed it and then poured another, I'm sure a lot of funds went to her drinking habit, she was always with a glass of wine.

I hated how she made me feel worse than I already felt, I thought I had gotten lucky when I met Julius at a club we were in separable at first. I hadn't had many serious relationships and when I did I always knew how to manipulate a guy to get what I wanted. When I met Kyle I wanted him to and I figured I could have both, I let Kyle know his part and he was fine with it. Julius came to surprise me one day and caught Kyle coming out of my cottage, of course it wouldn't have seemed like nothing if I wasn't still half naked inside. I tried my damnedest to get him back but he wouldn't hear it and now, Lucas informed me he had a new mate, some bitch from the human world.

“I'm not going to let Julius go that easily, all I have to do is figure out a way to get this girl out of the picture.” I said.

“How do you plan to do that?” My mother questioned.

“I will figure it out.” I snapped.

I grabbed one of the wine bottles off the table and teleported out of the throne room without another word, I couldn't take her shit any longer. I teleported to my cottage and Lucas was sitting on my front porch waiting for, he said nothing as he followed me inside. I walked into the kitchen and went to find a cork screw and opened the bottle of wine, I then downed some of it without a glass. Lucas walked over to me and I handed him the bottle, he downed some of it and then placed it down.

He stood behind me his hot breath tickled my neck and it made me feel tingles all over, Lucas was my go to guy when I had a bad day. He placed his hands on my waist and spun me around, he wrapped his hands in my hair and slammed his lips to mines. He then picked me up and placed me on the counter and slipped in between my legs, and begin to unbutton his shirt.

He slid his hands under my purple thigh length dress and slid my panties down to the floor, he then unbuttoned his pants and let them fall down around his feet. He pulled me closer to him and then gently eased himself inside me, making my body explode, and I scratched his back urging him to go deeper. He wasn't the guy I wanted to lead my clan with but he was definitely the one that made me feel good when I needed it. Even though this felt amazing a part of me couldn't help thinking about the new woman in Julius life, and that’s the last thing I wanted to think about right now. Tonight Lucas and I would have sex all over my house, and tomorrow I would start planning the extinction of that bitch.

So I hope you guys enjoy I know it has been awhile since I updated but I finally had a chance to get a chapter out for you.

So I had a follower ask me about one of the stories I had started but deleted, it wasn't a supernatural story just a regular romance, and drama. So I have decided I would upload a story I had been working on, and I hope you check it out.

It focuses on four women and I will be uploading it soon, it will be rated R because of the story content, I think I'm not sure how wattpad would rate it.

Anways stay tuned for Chapter 4 so much more to come


The Demon Kings Mate (Book 1)#wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now