What was going on? It wasn't that much of a big deal, was it? Were kids not allowed to make mistakes around here? Your forehead creased as you stared at him in concern, your hand outstretched hesitantly. Should you help him out? Vegetables were cheap but it would make a noticeable dent in your rent allowance. You mulled over the option in your head and finally decided that it was truly the best idea.

A small piece of yourself whined in pain at the thought of lost money. Useful money. Good money. A larger piece of yourself growled at it and slapped it down.

You advanced towards the boy, grabbing a hold of his orange jacket—pulling him to his feet and leaving your baggage abandoned on the dirt floor.

He quickly spun around with a confused gleam in his blue eyes, and you found yourself engrossed in the whisker-like marks on his cheeks. Were those hand-drawn? It didn't seem like they were—what are you doing, you were supposed to be getting him out of this. You would just ask later on. That question wasn't very important.

"Hey hey! There you are, I was looking for you. You should really stop pulling all these stupid stunts you know? You could get hurt." You turned to the older man and bowed. "I'm really sorry about him, he doesn't watch where he's going sometimes. Please, if you would allow me to pay for those wasted vegetables, I would be really thankful to you!"

He watched you nervously, pinching at his fingers in worry as he smiled. "Oh um, it's fine." You noticed how his tone went up an octave as if he was asking a question. His eyes spoke that unsaid question. Who were you?

To be honest you weren't so sure yourself. You should've just been another stranger passing by, only to appear in a diary chapter once or twice. So why had you intervened in this boy's life? Why had you decided that maybe he was worth helping?

You decided that those questions were unimportant for now. You could answer them later. It didn't matter. What did matter was helping this dumb boy out.

"No, how much? Please, I insist." You held his gaze as you readied the money in your hands. And just for extra purposes, you smiled at him with closed eyes and a tilted head. 

"4185.92 yen." He said reluctantly.

Your eyes flew wide open and you could see Narto looking down in shame. "Oh wow...Um here!" You slapped the money onto the stall table, willing yourself to part with your precious money before grabbing your backpack and the blonde boy and pushing through the small crowd the scene had collected.

The two of you rounded a corner, Narto shouting directions at you the whole time. His voice was high pitched as if he hadn't completely graduated childhood. It was a complete difference from yours in all honesty. Your voice was softer, calmer whereas his was raspy from either constantly shouting or not talking at all. Judging from his clothes and how he talked, you were going to assume the former. He was a boy who attracted attention wherever he went.

Eventually, the two of you found yourselves up on a roof, panting and staring at each other with wary looks. Narto was the first to recover, frowning at you.

"Hey! Who are you?" Apparently hoping that his first words to you would be "thank you" or "I'm sorry" was too far fetched. You contemplated his question before deciding that no harm would be done and this boy could lead you to your apartment.

"The name's [M/n] [L/n]! Don't go forgetting my name now! I'm assuming that you're Narto?" You stuck out your hand while beaming at him happily.

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