36. Fights

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Becca can see Peter sitting on the ledge of the roof of the building adjacent to where the ferry is

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Becca can see Peter sitting on the ledge of the roof of the building adjacent to where the ferry is. Her brother holds her in his suited arms protectively because he couldn't shake the feeling of his little sister being in danger. Danger that Peter had put the two of them in. Helicopters flying overhead could be heard by the three people, the ships signalling they were near the ferry also as they evacuated the people still on board the ferry and the tug boats making their way to pull the ferry back to the docks.

In other words? Anthony Edward Stark was pissed.

"Previously on, Peter Screws the Pooch. I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you and my sister hacked a multibillion dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing i told you not to do." Tony snaps as he hovers in the air, Peter refuses to look over at the siblings. Despite the great he had currently running through him from the man he calls his mentor, he just wanted to keep Becca safe. And he failed.

Becca attempts to speak but Tony shakes his head, sensing her trying to buffer the conversation. But Becca knows that this conversation involves her very little, it's between her brother and boyfriend.

"Is everyone okay?" Peter asks quietly. "Is Fia?"

"No thanks to you." Tony snaps again at the teenager still sitting on the ledge as the adult hovers in the air still with his sister in his arms.

But something inside Peter snaps when Tony says this. He swivels off the ledge and stalks over to his mentor and girlfriend, "No thanks to me?" He scoffs, "Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn't listen!" He snaps back as he walks over to the Stark man quickly. Tony sets his sister down beside him, causing her to stand in between the two as Peter continues his rant and venting. "None of this would've happened if you just listened to me!" Peter yells, gripping his mask in his hand as he's now feet away from the Iron Man. The teenage boy scoffs, his tunnel vision and anger taking over, "If you even cared, you'd actually be here."

In seconds, Tony Stark steps out of his Iron Man suit and stands inches away from Peter Parker. The teenage boy was taken aback, backstepping as Tony walks forward. Becca wants to get in between them, but she can't, not right now.

"I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh?" Tony questions, "Do you know I was the only one who believed in you aside from my mom? Everyone else said i was crazy to recruit a fourteen year old kid-"

"I- I'm fifteen." Peter stammers but Tony is so beyond pissed he will take no rebuttal from this boy in front of him.

"No. This is where you zip it! All right?" Tony shouts at the boy, "The adult is talking." He snaps. Tony's eyes glance over at his sister as she simply watches with her crystal blue eyes wide in shock and slight fear of where this conversation was going.


"No, Reebs. I love you but this is between him and I." Tony says, taking a softer tone of voice towards his sister. The older brother then turns back to Peter, "What if somebody died tonight? What if that somebody was Reebs? Different story right? Cause that's on you." Tony snaps dangerously low. Becca gasps and she can see Peter reel back in the thought process of her death being on his hands. He couldn't bear that thought. He couldn't. "And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience."

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