(Art done by xcaro_doodles14x)

“Anyways, let’s brainstorm!” I say as me and Dream talked about what we could do for a video. Hours went by as we both coded it so that we took damage at the same time. It was my idea because I’m such a genius.

After we did everything we could, I stopped recording. “Wow Dream! You suck!” I say as we just turned the world into creative mode. “Says you! I did so much better than you, all you did was die constantly that made me die constantly!” Dream said. I roll my eyes as we just roasted each other for another hour.

“Okay, I got to go. Patches want some cuddles.” Dream said as we both exit the minecraft world. “I want some Dream cuddles too.” I said unknowingly out loud. “What?... WHAT?!” I hear Dream scream. “Y-yea! Dreamy Poo! Sapnap wants cuddles too!” I say in an obvious joking tone.

I felt relief whenever I heard him start laughing. “You’re such a dummy! For real though, I need to head out.” I sigh with my hand on my face knowing what I’m about to say, “Aight, Imma head out.” We both burst out laughing. “Dammit! You and George both on that meme!” Dream said while laughing. “Everything ties back to George, huh?” I say quietly.

“What was that?” Dream asked. “Huh? What are you talking about?” I pretended to not know what he was talking about. “Nevermind, must’ve been my head. Okay, this time now! Bye Sapnap!” I smiled as I thought how adorable he sounded everytime he says bye. “Heh, bye Dream.” Then just like that, the call ended.

I started to edit the video so I can at least get something started and post it by next week because I’m lazy like that. After an hour of editing almost 2 hours of footage out of 5. I keep forgetting how long it takes to record a video.

As I was about to be done editing for the day, I stumbled across this part in the recording. It was Dream saying “C’mere Sappynappy! Come closer so I can protect you. I don’t want you to die, then because I will die!” with his little giggle at the end. I obvoiusly had to cut it out because of how stupid I souned right after.

I was giggling and didn’t know what to say! I couldn’t even stay in character in front of him! I just sounded stupid. No way in hell I’m leaving that in!

I felt a smile growing on my face as I felt my cheeks get warmer. My heart did this weird futter thing inside of my chest. His nicknames for me are the best...

Dammit Dream! Why is it that out of all people, you made me like this? That’s so gay.

I saved my progress and closed everything to turn off my computer. Now I have nothing to do and I don’t want to edit anymore. "What the hell can I do now?” I said to myself as I got up to walk around my house.

I look at my calendar to see if I have any plans this month. Turns out I don’t, surprisingly. Usually I’m stuck at work or my other friends would want to hang out. I just want to be by Dream’s and George’s side. 

If only they didn’t live so far away. Maybe we can all meet up again? That would be nice, wouldn’t it? I grabbed my phone to text the group chat we have, but then I remembered Dream’s busy with Patches. I don’t want to disrupt him when we just got out of a call together.

I’ll ask them later. Now I’m bored again. I sit down on my couch and turn on the TV. I scroll through my phone on Twitter for something, anything! I eventually found some fanart of us. I clicked on our hashtag and just endlessly scrolled through all of the amazing fanart that our fans did.

I feel like I don’t deserve it because I don’t do anything special for anyone to hold onto. All I do is play minecraft, read donations, and scream. I don’t know how people find that inspiring or amusing, but I am forever thankful to have this big of a following... 

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