Chapter 2

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Mallory's POV

I woke up to the sun beaming in my face. I fluttered my eyes open to see that I'm in my room. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the living room. Max must have carried me up.

Where is Max? And as if right on que my bathroom door opened and out came a tired looking Max.

"Good morning" I said

"Morning" he said kissing me on the cheek

Max crawled to the spot next to me and I reached to my night stand next to me and grabbed my space gray iPhone 6 and opened up Netflix. I rested my head on Max's chest and opened up supernatural.

I remember Jc showing me a few episodes, but I've never watched it after that because I didn't have my own phone at the time and a lot of things were going on. Especially with my albums and photoshoots going on through the years. I've started watching a month ago and I'm now on season 4.

I clicked on the recent episode I was watching and it had 17 minutes left.

"No!" I yelled

Then I heard a door swing open and I looked up to see dad with a bat.

"Where is it!?" He yelled

"What?" I asked

"You screamed" he said still looking around

"Dad, I'm watching supernatural" I said

"Well crap. You disturbed my sleep" he said

"Sorry" I laughed along with Max

"Yeah yeah whatever" he said chuckling and leaving my room.

"Wanna eat breakfast?" Max asked

"Yeah, do you wanna go somewhere or have me try to cook something, fail, then go somewhere?" I asked

"Let's go with number 1" he said laughing

"Im gonna wash up" I said standing up

Max nodded and took my phone and started playing games on it.

I went to the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands and took my toothbrush and minty toothpaste and brushed my teeth. Next, I used my facial wash and applies moisturizer so it wouldn't get too dry.

I walked out and went to my closet while Max went into my bathroom. I decided on wearing a gray crop top sweater and a black skater skirt. For my feet, I decided on some black suede style ankle boots.

I finished changing and Max come out of the bathroom already dressed and his hair done.

I went back into the bathroom and took out my straightener. I straightened my hair that went right above my butt and had a 'V' shape cut out. The. I applied some eyeliner and added a wing and some mascara and I was done.

"You look beautiful as always" Max said hugging me and giving me a peck.

"And you look good as always" I said doing the exact thing he did to me.

We walked out of my room and down the stairs. Max grabbed his car keys and we headed out.

To Dad: went out to eat breakfast. Don't freak out when you see I'm gone. Love you<3

Dad replied seconds later

From Dad: Mal, I'm literally right across the room from you. Why didn't you just tell me in person? Lol

I giggled and replied

To dad: because 1) you said not to disturb you and 2) I could've walked in on you and Sarah doing something haha

A change                             (sequel to New Beginning?)Where stories live. Discover now