They Found Out

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I woke up to find my bed moving. I opened my eyes to see the blonde that took me in, Katsuki, getting up.

'Right... I died and I'm a fox now.'

I got up and stretched before hopping off the bed. I looked at Katsuki to see him putting on a black military styled blazer.

'So he's in middle school?'

"I gotta go to school. You stay here and be good," he told me as he pet my head before he grabbed his bag.

I followed him downstairs to see his mom putting breakfast on plates and I saw his dad reading a newspaper.

'Is that a thing that all normal dads do?' I thought to myself as I remembered that my poor excuse for a father just stayed in his room and drank all day. He wouldn't even have anything to do with me unless he was drunk and even then he would play a video game with me for maybe 20 minutes before passing out.

A plate of bacon was set down in front of me. I looked up to his mom and 'yipped' a thanks before eating.

"She's so adorable! Right, Masaru?"

"Yes, Mitsuki," he said normally, unlike the two firecrackers.

I finished eating and clumb onto Katsuki's shoulders as he started eating his last egg. Another flash went off.


As their argument went on, I jumped off his shoulders and jumped up into Masaru's lap.

"They're I bit loud, aren't they?" He asked with a small chuckle.

I nodded.

"I'm going to school!" Katsu yelled before the door slammed.

I hopped off of Masaru's lap and went up to Katsu's room.

"Have a good day at work, Masaru!" I heard Mitsuki yell before the door shut.

'Okay, what am I going to do today?'

I spotted a computer on his desk and I hopped up onto it. I looked around at the tower and pressed the power button when I found it. I waited as it booted up then I saw the date. It was years after the day I died.

I moved the mouse with some difficulty and opened up the browser. I tried typing in something, but my paws were too big.

'Damned keys... Wait. What if I still have my quirk?' I looked back at my tail as it moved and a keyboard with bigger keys appeared. My quirk was actually called 'Drawing Manifestation.' It let me create a material copy of whatever I drew. 'Now I have to see what all this quirk can do... I'll save that for later.'

I managed to hook the keyboard up and I started researching the news. The most notable thing that I found was that the top hero was All Might.

'So that's the guy that Katsu has figures of. He must want to be a hero too.'

I unhooked the keyboard after I powered down the computer.

'I wonder...' I swished my tail over the keyboard, but nothing happened. 'Crap. What am I going to do with this?' I looked around and found a spot behind the computer tower. I got it hidden right before Mitsuki showed up.

"So that's where you were hiding!" She exclaimed as she picked me up. You are just so cute!"

The rest of the day was spent with her cuddling with me until the door slammed open.


I wiggled out of her grasp and ran to Katsu. He was about ready to go upstairs when I clumb up his backpack to his shoulders.

"Hey, Nensho," he said as he went up to his room. I jumped onto his bed after he took his bag off. After he changed into a black shirt with a skull on it and a pair of sweats, he sat at the desk and turned his computer on. I got back on his shoulders after he got his homework on his desk. He opened the browser and saw the search history.

'Shit. Forgot to delete that.'


I hopped off of his shoulders and got onto the bed.



"IT WASN'T ME!" She yelled before she popped her head in the doorway.


They both stopped before looking at me as I groomed myself.

"Nah, it couldn't be," Katsu said.

"But, if you think about it..."

"She is smart for an animal..."

'Have I been found out?'

"OI, Nensho." I looked at Katsu. "Did you use the computer?"

After a moment, I looked at a really interesting All Might figure that was away from them.

"It's probably just a fluke," Mitsuki said before she left.

After a moment, I looked back over to Katsu to see him doing his homework. I hopped on his shoulders to see that he was struggling some with a difficult math problem.

I got onto his desk and typed the first step into the calculator. 'They already suspect me, so might as well help the kid,' I thought to myself as he looked at it in disbelief.

He then looked between me and the calculator. He wrote down the process before he finished it and got it right on his own. He looked at me and I nodded before checking over the rest of the problems.

I put my paw on the fourth one and he looked at it in confusion before finding the little mistake - he forgot to carry the 1.

"What the hell is with you?" He asked after we were done with his math.

I sighed before grabbing the keyboard I made and hooked it up. I then went to the notes program and started typing.

"I was reincarnated into this fox body."

"That shit's real?"

"Apparently." I shrugged my small shoulders. "As for the keyboard, I still somehow have a quirk similar to what I used to have."

"Wait. If you were reincarnated, then..."

"I accidentally drove into a ditch and crashed when I was trying to avoid a fox. Ironic, I know."

"Yeah, it is. But, the search history..." He trailed off again.

"I died before the time of All Might. Back then, we still had Yakuza, gangs, and other organized criminal organizations."

"Really? Must've been dangerous."

"Yeah. But I just went back and forth between home and work. I used to work as an art teacher and I had study hall, so I had to help students with a lot of hard math problems and plenty more."

"Huh. Can you help me with history then?"

I nodded.

We worked on it for a couple of hours until he fell asleep.

I hopped down and grabbed a light blanket before covering him up. I then powered down the computer and packed his papers away neatly before I curled up next to him on the desk and fell asleep.

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