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JUNE 26TH, 10:00am

lalisa woke up in an unfamiliar bed. for a few seconds she panicked and forget where she was. but then she remembered the events form the night before.

"you're finally awake," chaeyoung said. lalisa rolled over to see chaeyoung sitting on the bed, her legs crossed.

"yeah...thanks for picking me up last night." lalisa yawned.

the events of the night were a blur. chaeyoung's mother was nice enough to agree that they should pick the poor girl up. when they got there, she looked like she had been sobbing nonstop. they immediately called lalisa's mom and let her know they'd let her sleep the night, since chaeyoung didn't like the idea of her sleeping alone after jennie's breakdown, or whatever had happened.

seeing lalisa broken down like that made her feel terrible. whatever jennie had said, it must've been harmful.

"no problem. are you hungry? my mom already left for work but there's eggs and bacon on the table," chaeyoung said quickly.

lalisa sat up and nodded. the two went into the dining room. chaeyoung had already eaten, so she just sat across from lalisa as she ate.

"what do you want to do today?" lalisa asked chaeyoung through a mouthful of food.

chaeyoung took a minute to think. it was usually lalisa who came up with activities.

"i kinda want to dye my hair again..." chaeyoung said, toying with a strand of her red hair.

lalisa hadn't ever dyed her hair before, but red hair suited chaeyoung super well. she usually stayed away from hair dye, since it wasn't her thing. but lalisa saw chaeyoung's eyes light yo just a little bit when she mentioned dying her hair.

"i'll dye mine's too!" lalisa grinned, finishing her last bite of food.

"really?" chaeyoung said, surprised. she began to smile.

"uh-huh. but i've never done it before so i might need help..." lalisa said, getting up to put her dish in the sink.


the two girls walked into the hair supply store, linking arms. lalisa hardly ever came into stores like these, since he hair was usually down anyway. she looked around the place, intrigued.

chaeyoung led them to the hair dye section. many different colors could be seen on the shelves.

"so...what color do you wanna do?" chaeyoung asked lalisa. she was an expert when it came to hair dye.

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