Window Shopping Backfire

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AN // -- New chapter and new cover. I hope you like them both.   -Izzy :) 

Lorelai and Rory both had a day that they were both free, so they decided to go window shopping and asked me to tag along. They met at the inn and picked me up on the way out of town.

"Okay, here we go," Lorelai says.

"Where should we start?" Rory asks.

"Well, we're window shopping, so let's find a window," Lorelai says.

"Sounds like a plan," I tell her.

"I see rows and rows of windows," Rory adds.

"Hey, let's walk arm in arm like window shopping ladies do in movies," Lorelai says.

"You got it," Rory replies.

"Should we skip?" I ask. 

"Oh. I wish I'd brought a xylophone with me. There's always a bouncy xylophone playing when movie girls window shop. So, left or right?"

"Let's go right," Rory says.

"I'm cool with right."

"Okay," Lorelai replies.

We walk around for a while and they both keep finding things they like and taking mental notes to come back when they have that money to buy things.

"Oh they have nice looking jackets," Rory says.

"Where?" Lorelai asks.

"In the back, there," I tell her.

"Oh, cute," Lorelai replies.

"Mental note," Rory says sadly.

"Absolutely," Lorelai says.

"Next window?" I ask.

"Sure," Rory responds in more of a question.

"Okay, this sucks," Lorelai says.

"Completely," I add.

"This is the least amount of fun I've ever had. Barring the time we went to Mummenschanz," Lorelai says.

"Oh, this is way less fun," Rory replies.

"Window shopping? What was I thinking?"

"You were thinking you were broke," I replied.

"But it sounds fun. It should be fun," Rory says.

"That's normally how they suck you in," I add.

After more complaining and even trying to go in a store we decide to go back downstairs.

"Oh, no," Lorelai says, hiding her face.

"What?" I ask.


"Emily who?" Rory asks.

"Emily the strange with the black cat and the boots made for kicking. Who do you think?" Lorelai replies.

"Grandma's here? Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

"Why are we hiding?" Rory asks.

"Reflex," Lorelai replies.

"Am I supposed to hide too? Will she remember me?" I say covering my face as well.

"We have to say hello to her."

"You might have to, I don't," I tell her.

"Lorelai, Rory!"

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