chapter 20 : the truth revealed to naira

Start from the beginning

"What truth?"Naira asked in confusion

"That this was just a game to him,it was a bet!"he said shocking Naira

"Rishabh,I thought you changed but I am wrong. If you dare to say something against my Kartik like this,you will regret it!"Naira said angrily and turned around to leave but stopped on her tracks when she heard kartik's voice.

Naira turned around to see rishabh holding a phone his hand in which Kartik was in along with veer and his friends.

[A/N ; this part takes place in chapter 10 ]

"Maybe she also like him! Maybe he has a charm?"veer said which irked Kartik

"Charm? My foot. Hell no!"Kartik shot

"Why are you getting so possessive? She is not your girlfriend!"veer said

"I am so many times better than that rishabh!"Kartik said

"So what?"veer asked.

"Well we have been planning to get something against that rishabh and Naira here is the perfect girl for us. If I make her fall in love with me we can ruin that rishabh in every single way!"Kartik said

Naira's whole world shattered when she heard Kartik himself say these words.

"And this is not the end Naira,you remember when I got drunk at that party the night I forced myself onto you? Naira you know me. If I promise you something I always kept it since childhood!"he said

"And the night of the party you want to know how I got drunk? It was because of Kartik! He was the one who spiked my drink. You may not believe me on this but you might believe if you here this from his best friend veer himself!"rishabh said and just then veer came. Naira was holding her tears while she listened to all of this.

"Naira,I am so sorry for this because even I was part of it..but you had to know the truth because Kartik was never going to tell this to you..!"veer said

"At the party Kartik spiked rishabh's drink. Everything went according to his plan when rishabh tried to force himself on you. Kartik came in saved you and became the hero infront of you...and do you remember that same night when you guys were in the car and I came to meet him?"veer asked and Naira remembered that night when Naira saw them argue over something

[A/N ; this part takes place in chapter 12 ]

"Are you nuts? You risked her life!!"veer shot

"Nothing happened to her right? Why are you getting all fed up with?"Kartik asked

"This is wrong Kartik!"veer said

"You can't play with her like this!"veer said but Kartik brushed it off.

"And do you also remember last year?after your exams ended you saw me and Kartik arguing? It was over this issue only!"veer said

[A/N ; this part takes place in chapter 18 ]

"You made a mistake. Now Kartik you have taken this very far. You should tell Naira the truth before it gets out of hand!"veer said

"Tell her what? I could never do that!She will hate me!"Kartik said

"Hate you? Of course she will. But it doesn't mean you will hide it from her. Are you going to tell the truth or do you want me to tell her the truth?"veer asked

"Veer, if you do that and tell the truth to Naira I will kill you. Don't you dare to do that!"Kartik warned

"Are you nuts? You made enough mess! She is in love with you for godsake! She doesn't know the real reason why you started this whole thing...!"veer said but stopped when Kartik spoke

"She doesn't need to know okay? Just stay away from both of us and mainly Naira!"Kartik said and left when he saw Naira standing some distance away from him.

"And Naira from there you know what happened...!"veer explained while Naira couldn't express how she was feeling after learning the truth.

"Naira,we understand that this isn't the correct time to reveal the truth to you..but we had to. You deserve to know it. You are marrying him tomorrow. He was planning to never tell you this so we did it!"veer said

"And now it is only up to you. If you want to spend the rest of your life with a liar and cheater like him go ahead! It's your decision then!"rishabh said and left along with veer.

Naira didn't know how to react after the whole truth came infront of her. She loved him so much and this was what he did? It was hard for her to believe and she didn't want to. But she had too because there was the proof.

Naira slowly started to put everything together since the second they met and how many times rishabh has warned her to stay away from Kartik but she didn't listen and how many times she saw Kartik and veer fight but Kartik always brushed it off when she brought the topic up.

"I hate you Kartik Goenka..I hate you...!"Naira said placing her hand on her stomach.


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