//Part two// Where the Hell are we

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Trini started the car and started driving onto the highway from the bar. As their destination to Henry, Alex eyes started to slowly open again. Once she finally opened her eyes again she notice she was in a random car with her hands and legs tied up to the bottom and the top part of the seat. She tried to release herself from the ropes to the seat, but they were in a pretty tight knot around her hands and legs. Then she started to look around the car, everything was dark around the car, she couldn't see a thing. She waits until someone or anything comes back to the car to release her from the tight ropes.

She sat in the car waiting and waiting until she heard footsteps coming from behind the car. She tried to dunk a little in her seat because she didn't know who was there and were she was besides in a random car. She over hears a woman talking on the phone behind the car.

" Where the fuck are you, I've been waiting here for about 30 minutes, sooner or later your sister is going to wake up," the woman had said.
Then Alex realized she knew who took her and why. Her rage of anger helped her try to loosen the rope as she rocked back in forth constantly and swiftly. Then she felt the rope fall down from her hands, she quickly unknotted the rope around her legs, and unlocked the door and got out the car within seconds. The woman behind the car turnt around to Alex and started clapping. Alex was confused as she tried to run away but didn't know where to run too, she felt like she was still trapped even though she escaped from the car.

" Great first escape test, but I'm not surprised you wouldn't pass, especially with your rage issues."

"What the hell are you talking about and were the hell are we, we do you mean test,"Alex says with anger as her hands turns into fist walking with rage towards the woman

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"What the hell are you talking about and were the hell are we, we do you mean test,"Alex says with anger as her hands turns into fist walking with rage towards the woman.

" Tell me who you are now or I will—-"
"Will what, call the cops, you don't even know where you are and who I am, and it doesn't look like anyone is here except me and you in this place." Alex fists starts to unravel as she was still confused. The woman says " follow me, if you wanna get outta here"
Alex follows the woman as they walk out of the dark place. " Were are you taking me." "You'll see," the woman says with a little laughter under her voice. They step out of the dark place, and they both turn around and look at the place, a two story creepy abandoned building in the middle of the woods.
" What is this place,"Alex says with curiosity.
" This place is where the five people will be chosen."
" What five people, and what is this big building doing here in the middle of the forest."
" Big abandoned building you mean."
" Oh, whatever," Alex had said with a small giggle and smile.

Then they heard a voice upon the woods, they both turn their backs against each other's, standing in a fighting stance slowly moving in one motion to see who was that who had spoke

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Then they heard a voice upon the woods, they both turn their backs against each other's, standing in a fighting stance slowly moving in one motion to see who was that who had spoke. They heard it again, they both stay in there fighting positions with their back against each other in one motion. But both were breathing a little heavier as if they were frighten something was coming to attack. They both heard leaves being crushed on as if someone was walking on them, then they both turn around and see Henry out of the blue.

" Nice to see you again little sis," Henry had said with sarcasm under his voice

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" Nice to see you again little sis," Henry had said with sarcasm under his voice. Alex started walking towards Henry with rage as her the palms of her hands turns into fists. As she arrives close enough to his face she punches him in nose, as he face goes back with his hand over his nose holding the blood dripping down from his nostrils.

" Well look who got strong over the years, damn she hit u good," the woman had said standing in the back watching the entire scene with laughter under her voice.
" Why now, why ever," Alex had said with lots of rage as next she kicks him in the groin, then kicks his face back so far, were his body had hit the ground with nothing but pain everywhere in his body.
" Damn.
I really underestimated you and your anger issues," Henry had said softly while laying on the floor holding his nose and groin from the pain.

"Yay, well I guess that what happens when you leave your crazy sister at martial arts camp for over 4 1/2 years, to go run off somewhere with your drunk ass friends." Alex had said standing in front of him smiling enjoying the pain he felt while laying on the ground.
Henry slowly began to get up from off the ground, as then he finally got up. " Ok, Alex I get it you hate me now so—"
" Um no you have it all wrong, I've been hated you."
" Ok you've been hated me, do you need to get anymore anger out at me while you still have the chance."
" I will always have the chance to beat you, jackas*—."
"Um okay that's about enough of the family reunion, can we just head to the headquarters already," the woman had said. "Yeah, that's a good idea."
" What headquarters, what strange abandoned building, what five people can someone please explain to me what's going on here," Alex says with anger and confusion.
"We will explain everything at the headquarters, just please come with us, it could be out here already and we don't know it for sure."
" Fine but what's it." " Like I said I will explain everything at the headquarters, now run to the car."
"Why." "Just do what he says." " NOW, RUN!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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