Laxus growled angrily when they saw the familiar big figure walking over the crystal. Moritz was smirking at them, moving his hand and formed another purple spear with his Quartz Magic.

"It's a mage!" someone shouted.

"Why is he attacking us?"

"Can we use our weapons against him?"

Freed looked at Laxus who was having a staring contest with Moritz.

"Laxus, you know your magic won't affect him", he reminded his husband.

"True, baby", Bickslow said. "We're gonna handle this", he smirked looking at the beast man who had now stopped, like he was waiting for them to come to him.

"I can still shove his teeth in the back of his throat with my fist", Laxus said. "You guard the ship", he said to Freed as Bickslow, Evergreen and Roscoe already jumped down from the ship.

"Don't let him spear you again", Freed said and Laxus snorted.

"He won't surprise me twice", he said. "Use your Jutsu Shiki", he said and followed after others.

Freed nodded and he pointed his sword against the deck. Dark purple runes came out as he murmured enchantments. Sailors stepped away from him, looking at what he was doing. They had no idea what he was doing and it scared them obviously, but none of them had enough courage to stop him.

"That won't do."

Freed was completely surprised by the voice. He had not noticed at all that someone had sneaked behind him, waiting until Laxus and others would be gone. Arms wrapped around the rune mage and Freed turned his head to see Humphrey.

"I caught you, darling", the man chuckled mischievously.

Freed gritted his teeth and raised his sword, turning the tip. Humphrey saw that and quickly let go before the sword was thrust in his side.

"Leave this ship instantly", Freed said turning around, keeping his sword pointing towards the black haired mage with a top hat.

"I refuse", Humphrey smiled. "Our mission here is to destroy this ship."

"They're going to sink us all!" someone screamed.

"We won't let you do that", Freed frowned and they circled each other.

"We're going to drown every sailor and passenger", Humphrey said. "Including those four", he said pointing towards Laxus and others who hadn't yet noticed the situation at the ship.

"Before you can do that, you have to go through me", Freed said his purple eye flashing.

"You are still as brave as I remembered", Humphrey smiled. "And naughty, giving me orders. I can make an offer to you. You come with me voluntarily and we'll leave this ship alone."

"No", Freed said and the sailors gasped.

"He said they wouldn't kill us!" one of them yelled at Freed.

"He never said anything about not killing anyone", the rune mage said and Humphrey chuckled. "He only said he would leave the ship alone."

"You might be a little bit too smart for your own good, dear", Humphrey said. "I would have even made sure they were killed quickly. It would be a lot easier for all of us if you would just obediently surrender to me."

"Only one man in this world has the power to make me surrender to them obediently and that's not you", Freed said and Humphrey was starting to look irritated.

"Are you trying to make me angry at you? You might succeed at that", he said. "And you don't want me to be angry once I finally get my fingers on you, honey."

"That will never happen, I can assure you that."

"I wouldn't be too sure", Humphrey said and he smirked. "I will enjoy ripping off your clothes."

Freed frowned and he got ready when Humphrey moved. He was coming right towards him, when suddenly he flashed and disappeared. Freed quickly looked around and a hand grabbed his wrist, forcing his arm up against his back.

"Teleportation", Freed said and he vanished, making sailors gasp. He reappeared at the higher deck, looking at Humphrey.

Just when Humphrey was about to jump ahead a loud thunder echoed through the sky. That was the noise Humphrey remembered well and he immediately took distance, as the lightning dragon slayer appeared on the ship to defend his mate.

"I've been waiting for a while to finally have an opportunity to kick your ass", Laxus growled his orange eyes locked at Humphrey and he was standing just behind Freed. "For touching and harassing my mate", he snarled and sparks crackled in the air around him.

"It was his own fault", Humphrey chuckled. "If he had come with me voluntarily, everything would have been better."

"Fuck you, you were harassing him and that doesn't change no matter what the hell you try to say."

"If you're so worried about someone else falling in love with him, why don't you just keep him at home? If he wouldn't walk around like that, looking so seductively handsome there wouldn't be this problem."

"I'm so gonna -" Laxus snarled and Freed quickly stopped him.

"Calm down", the rune mage warned. "He's doing that on purpose to make you angry. Don't listen to him", he said and Laxus grunted.

"I can stop listening", the Thunder God said. "But I sure as hell will kick his ass so hard he's gonna throw up his breakfast. Bickslow, Roscoe and Evergreen can take care of Moritz and you can defend the ship so it won't get more damage."

"Be careful", Freed nodded and he frowned at Humphrey who huffed.

"This time you won't slip away", Laxus growled and the planks under him were already getting dark because of electricity.

In a second they both blasted up in the sky. A shooting star and a thundering lightning. Freed continued his enchantments until there was a round sphere surrounding the whole ship, defending them from any attacks Humphrey or Moritz might cause. The quartz hadn't moved at all and Freed was sure it wouldn't let go before Moritz would be down.

Five Little SacrificesWhere stories live. Discover now