Part 1

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(Trigger Warning mentioned in description but I'll say it once more before we start the story. This is a story that deals with eating disorders and mature themes)

"Hey, Minnie. Dinner!" Nat called as the woman entered the compound after coming back from a practice mission.

Minnie shook her head. "Ate before I came back... I'm not feeling the best so I'm just gonna rest. I'll see you all tomorrow."

She fake limped towards the elevator to help sell her case. Naturally, the mildly chirpy demeanor Minnie had never had the team feeling suspicious. It was also easy to fake since it wasn't overly happy— she had moments and bursts of excitement but since she was considered one of the calmer and more mature recruits that side didn't come out often around others.

Entering her room, Minnie stripped out of her uniform and headed to the shower. The other recruits went home after training but Minnie didn't have a place to go and Fury along with the rest of the Avengers didn't have a problem with her staying at the compound after hours in the residential area.

Everything she told the team was a lie. Minnie wasn't hurt and she hadn't eaten already. But she couldn't eat, she felt like she already had too much earlier. So Minnie finished showering and went to bed without so much as a sip of water.

She groaned as she heard the knock on her door early in the morning. Minnie pulled herself out of bed and opened it to be greeted by Bucky and Steve who were already in their workout clothes. Despite not being enhanced in any way, Minnie still worked out with the two super-soldiers. It wasn't intentional— she had started off training with the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits. Her demeanor had drawn in some recruits in as well as the actual Avengers including the group's trainers, Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes. Steve and Bucky always went to Minnie for everything related to the 21st century and as they had more questions she ended up spending more time with them which turned into her workout schedule being moved up to match theirs.

"Doll, you still running with us this morning?" Steve asked.

They always knocked on Minnie's door after she came back from a practice mission to ask if she was working out with them instead of assuming that she would meet them downstairs. Sometimes Minnie said yes and other times she would slam the door back in their face as an answer. Today, despite feeling a little sleepy, Minnie was actually up and ready to do something.

She had completely forgotten her lie the other night and that she probably should've been limping and in no position to workout with them, but Bucky didn't forget. He didn't say anything, figuring Minnie probably lied so she could go to bed without anyone annoying her last night. She had been gone on that training exercise for a week which wasn't too bad but it was in the peaks of the snowy mountains so she must've been tired. Minnie didn't answer them but left the door open as she turned around so they knew the answer was yes.

Part of answering all of Steve and Bucky's questions about the 21st century involved teaching them about the modern woman and navigating the different way people dated nowadays. That included letting them practice pick-up lines and flirting with her since Minnie wasn't going to laugh at them or punch them in the face for saying something wrong. It made their friendship funny to others because no one ever thought they'd see the two centenarians be flirty. Minnie didn't mind because she silently basked in the compliments because those tended to be the only time she got them.

As Minnie turned around, she looked for the workout clothes she knew she had thrown somewhere in the room. Her sleep shorts had ridden up giving the two of men a good view of her butt when she bent down to pick up the clothes that had missed the chair she was aiming for when she threw them. Even though it was early in the morning, they saw the opportunity to say something flirtatious and they were gonna do it. Bucky wolf-whistled and even though he couldn't see her face, Minnie rolled her eyes and smiled knowing something was about to come out of either his mouth or Steve's or both.

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