Part 3*

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Minnie woke up just fine... and a little sweaty. The amount of body heat coming off of the two men would've been welcomed except she had turned on the heat when she was napping and neither Steve nor Bucky had turned it off before coming to bed. Minnie wiggled out of Steve's hold and swung her legs over the bed. The loss of contact woke Steve up and when he moved to see where she went that woke Bucky up.

Both of them slowly opened their eyes just as she stood up, still not aware they were awake. They stayed silent watching her stretch. Was it a little creepy? Probably but the view of Minnie's naked bottom half as the red henley rose up was too good to stop. She moved to their dresser and they became curious.

Minnie had always had a few spare things in their drawers from staying late with them at night when they were just friends— and now that they thought about it, she didn't have to put on Bucky's shirt last night because they were positive she had clean clothes in their dresser including underwear. That was made apparent when Minnie pulled out a bra and underwear set.

"FRIDAY?" she whispered, thinking the two men were still asleep.

"Yes, Miss Minnie?" The AI whispered back.

"Today is May 15th right?"

"It is."

"Okay, thought so. Does Tony's little Dum-E waiter actually work?"

"What would you like to get?"

"My makeup bag and hair stuff from my bathroom."

"Coming right up, Miss Minnie."

"Wait!" Minnie whisper-yelled as she poked her head back out of the bathroom. "My purse and nude heels too please?"

She slipped on the underwear after brushing her teeth and walked into the super-soldiers' closet. She was quietly humming some song they didn't know but recognized from a night at the club with the team. They couldn't see Minnie anymore but could hear the rummaging of clothes and the swishing of hangers going back and forth. She came back out pulling a brown belt through jeans that were pooling at her feet.

The jeans were Bucky's, they could tell, and the shirt she had yet to button up belonged to Steve. Minnie ran over to the door as Dum-E knocked on it. She was impressed. The things she actually asked for were sitting on the tray. She thanked the machine and closed the door again. Minnie finished buttoning up the shirt. Plopping down on the floor in front of the mirror, she removed her headscarf and started spraying her hair to remoisturize and reactivate the coils. Doing it in a quick style she liked, Minnie moved on to base makeup.

Standing back up, Minnie slipped on the heels and cuffed the jeans so they were the correct length. Bucky and Steve held their breath as she really analyzed herself in the mirror, ready to jump up at a moment's notice. She was frowning but not at herself, well, not at her body. They watched her unbutton and rebutton Steve's shirt multiple times, making the shirt look a little different each time as she tried to style it. Minnie smiled in satisfaction when she found a way that she liked— half tucked in on the right front side, the cuffs unbuttoned since the sleeves were a little longer than her arm.

"Pretty doll," Minnie sang as she sorted through lipsticks and glosses trying to figure out which one she wanted to put on.

"Pretty pretty doll. Nice and smart and smart and nice. I'll kick your ass in a fight."

Steve and Bucky chuckled to themselves, exchanging looks, as she repeated the short song, wiggling back and forth except for the pause to put on her lip gloss. Minnie did various poses in the mirror before turning around and lifting the back of the shirt to look at her butt. Suddenly, she jumped into a twerk pose holding a serious face for a few seconds and then breaking into a fit of giggles— making her boyfriends smile. She was really enjoying herself. This was the first time they saw her check herself out in the mirror in a positive manner.

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