He Meets Your Family (His POV) Luke & Cal

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Y/n is introducing me to her family today. I'm nervous. Very nervous. 

I arrived at y/n's house and knocked on her door. Y/n opened the door andshe hugged me. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Hey princess how are you?" "I'm good Cal, how are you?" she smiled at me. "I'm alright." y/n took my hand and we walked into the kitchen. Her parents were sitting at the table. I was talking last night to y/n and she said her parents weren't very fond of me. That's why I'm more nervous than I should be. 

We sat down at the table. "Hello Calum, I'm y/d/n y/n's dad. And this is her mum y/n." "Hello sir nice to meet you." I held out my hand across the table. He took it and shook it but dropped it quicker than he had taken it. He dropped it like a hot potato. I thought it coudln't get any worse. But I thought wrong.

"Calum, did you drop out of school." 


They said nothing.

"What is that tatoo of?" He said pointing at the bird tatoo I had saying "Mali Koa" 

Oh. Will this be awkward. Or will it be embarrasing. Don't get me wrong I love my sister but if I told them, would they think it's stupid?

"Um, excuse me Calum can you go out of the room for a second while I talk to my daughter?"

"Yes sir."

I went outside the door of the kitchen and walked outside and sat on the doorstep and put my head in my hands. 

They absolutely despise me. I'll end up having to break up with y/n. I don't want to. I love her.

Your POV

"Y/n why didn't Calum answer me about his bird tatoo saying some girls name? Are you sure this isn't a tattoo that he got when he was with some girl and he got drunk and she brainwashed him into getting one?"

"No dad. That in fact is a tattoo of a bird. That girls name is Mali Koa and that girl is his sister...." I said explaining everything very easily.

"Oh." was all he said

"yeah." I went outside to find Calum.

Calum's POV

Y/n came out the front door. "What did they say?" 

"They asked why you got nervous when they asked about your Mali Koa tattoo. I told them that she was your sister. Come on inside." She took my hand. Her dad met us in the hallway. 

"We've been talking and all we have to say is........ look after our daughter. Welcome to the family Calum." he said smiling. I returned it and this time e offered his hand I shook it and said "thank you so much." I kissed y/n softly and hugged her. I really thought they hated me. But now life couldn't be better.


Y/n told me to come over to her house today. She wants me to meet her parents. I'm am as nervous as hell. What if they don't like me? I can't imagine my life without y/n. She is my everything. 

I drove to the house and walked up the driveway. I nervously knocked on the door. Y/n's dad opened the door. "Hello, you must be Luke, I'm y/n's dad y/d/n." "Nice to meet you sir." I said shaking his hand. "Please Luke, call me y/d/n. Your making my daughter happy and it means everything to me and her mum." "Ok, thanks so much and yeah she means the world to me. I love her." 

"I think she loves you too. Your all she talks about mostly. Luke this and Luke that." I blushed a little. That's so cute. 

"Daaaaddd!!!" I heard an embarrased sigh coming from upstairs. Y/n came down the stairs and hugged me. "Hiya Luke" she said kissing me and then blushing because her dad was still there. 

They let us in and I met her mum. She seemed to like me too. I was going home when y/n went to the bathroom and her parents turned to me. 

"Luke, you are a great guy and I think you will make our daughter happy. It means everything to us. You are now part of the family and like a son to us now." Her dad said. I smiled. "Thanks y/d/n and y/m/n. I'll look after y/n forever. It would kill me if I lost her. She is my everything and I love her." 

Y/n came back from the bathroom. Her parents left us and we walked to the door. "So y/n your stuck with me." I said winking. She looked at me with wide eyes. "They approve of you?!?!?" I nodded. "Thats so amazing I was so nervous!!!" "Believe me when I say this: I was too. I love you princess."

"I love you too Lukey." I kissed her softly and drove home. 

Man, I love her 

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