First Conversations

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"Desaulnier? You are part of that wealthy aristocrat family, right?"

"I was really hoping you wouldn't recognize my last name. People tend to get all formal and uncomfortable when they do. But you seem oddly relaxed with me."

"Ah.. is that a bad thing? I can be more formal if you like. The past hour that we have been talking you have been nothing but nice to me and showed me no ill intention.. I guess that is why I am comfortable around you. I'm sure that you are a good person Mr.Desaulnier."

"No no it is fine. People tend to not show their real personalities when they are around me because of my reputation. I am really glad that you think that way of me and please, call me Joseph."

"If that is what you would like. It is starting to get dark now, it is best if we both start heading home. I really enjoyed the short time we spent together.. is it okay if we meet here again?"

Joseph took his hand and gently kissed it.

"I look forward to seeing you again, mon chéri."


"I'm sorry but have we met before?"

"Are you serious?"


"If you're trying to get a date, using an overused line isn't exactly the way to do it." Aesop quickly grabbed his stuff and walked away.

Joseph mentally facepalmed as he realized how lame he  sounded.

"Hey! Wait-" Joseph called out as he stared running after the grey haired man. "You are Aesop Carl. Are you not?"

"How did you know my name? Are you some kind of stalker or something?" Aesop glared at the taller man beside him and started walking a bit more faster.

"Even if I was that wouldn't really matter now."

"What makes you say so?"

"Because you're about to die."


"Okay?" Joseph momentarily stopped in his tracks before proceeding to follow the boy. He certainly didn't expect such a casual reply.

"Everyone's bound to die someday. And if I die right now frankly I don't really care." said Aesop in a monotone voice.

"Then that just makes it more easier for me." Disregarding the conversation they just had Joseph was now focused on thinking of a way to end the boy's life. Looking around he saw a medium-sized branch of a tree, it wasn't that big but it would certainly knock someone unconscious if it fell on their head. Joseph also noticed the many sharp and occasionally big rocks that decorated the path they were currently walking on. Ah yes, if that branch was to fall on the boy's head it would knock him unconscious leading him to hit his head on the rocks causing him to bleed to death.

"That branch will fall on the boy's head." Joseph commanded in his thoughts.

He smiled to himself as he thought of the situation as a quick and easy win. He started walking behind the boy as he waited for him to step under the branch. When the boy was about 2 steps from the branch it started falling so when the boy would step under it, it would fall perfectly on top his head.

"Ah everything is going perfectly according to pla-"

"Wait" the boy suddenly stopped just a step away from the falling branch, "How do you know that I'm going to die? Are you a serial killer? Are you gonna kill me?"

The branch fell just right in front of Aesop which made him jump in surprise. "Whoaa that could have been a disaster."

"How?" Joseph stared wide-eyed at the fallen branch then the unharmed boy.

"Uhm.. cause it could have fell on me?"

"No, I meant how are you not  dead?!"

"Cause I'm alive. You're asking some questions with some very obvious answers Mr. Serial Killer." Aesop stepped over the branch and continued walking.

Joseph followed the boy with a frown in his face. "I am NOT a serial killer but, yes, I am here to kill you."

"So you say that you'll kill me but don't call yourself a killer?"

"I'm a grim reaper."

Aesop looked at Joseph and eyed him up and down. "I would call you crazy but you don't really look like you  escaped from an asylum."

"What do you think I look like then?" Joseph said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"You look really attractive actually." Aesop deadpanned

Joseph's brain short circuited for a solid minute. "I- y-you just-" Joseh took a deep breath, "Did you just flirt with me when I clearly said that I'm here to kill you?"

"Oh death please don't tell me you assigned me to someone with a death fetish." Joseph grimaced at the thought.

"I did?" Aesop asked confused.

"Yes, you did."

"But I just answered your question?" The boy looked genuinely confused.

Joseph sighed and looked away with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "Nevermind."

"Well I'd hate to cut this conversation short Mr.Reaper but I have to go now."

Joseph looked around and saw that they we're already at a side of the road which led to the city and there was a bike parked just beside them.

"Joseph. Call me Joseph."

"If you really are a grim reaper that means you would come back to try and take my would again right?" Aesop said as he got on his bike.

"Mhm" Joseph hummed in response.

"If that's the case then I look forward to seeing you again, Mr.Reaper." said Aesop as he started cycling away.

Joseph just stood there dumfounded as he watched Aesop's figure disappear. He wasn't sure if the boy was mocking him or not due to the lack of emotion the boy portrayed. Never in the 268 years he's been doing this has he ever encountered someone who acted this way. People would usually scream, cry and beg for their life. But he would be lying if he said he didn't find the boy interesting. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I told you to call me Joseph."

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