Chapter 1

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Irene P.O.V

1st of September.

The day I start my 5th year at Hogwarts.

So far, everything has been as normal as possible. I was sorted into the Ravenclaw house, I made some good friends and I finished my school years with top marks. I hope that the coming years will be the same, somewhat perfect.

How naive I was ...

We arrived at Kingscross Station, the place where parents leave their children in the hands of the school, where friendships begin to form or where we realize that the vacation is over. I say goodbye to my parents, Paul and Evie Smith. I take my luggage and enter through the wall between platform 9 and 10. I arrived a little late, so all the compartments were busy and I couldn't sit next to my friends so I went somewhere random, with fewer students.

How lucky I am to be able to enter the compartment with Draco Malfoy.

"I can't believe what my eyes see, Smith comes in to stay with us. Come on, how many more books are you reading this year to beat Granger?" he said contemptuously.
Crabble and Goyle laughed like nonsense at his joke.

"I'm glad to see you too, Malfoy"
"Poor thing, you have nothing more to say about my remark, darling?" he said
"Oh, yes, but I think you'd go crying to your dad, so you better shut up." i said carelessly
"Yes, Smith?" Amaze me. A nerd like you can't take me down. "

"Bet! I think you forgot to go to your mirror 'cause have you seen how licked your hair is, seriously, where did you find that cow? Oh, I forgot, please tell your parents that Muggleborns deserve to be in this school more than you, the wonderful Pureblood. I could go on but we almost arrived, plus I'm wasting my time with some nonsense" I said and opened the door of the compartment.

Draco gets up and grabs my hand. He looks into my eyes and says:
"This year, be careful. This is not the last time we will have some discussions. "
"Maybe in your dreams," I say, throwing his hand away from mine and leaving.

Draco P.O.V

"How could this Halfblood talk like that about me and my family?" I told my colleagues.
But she's also pretty, I told myself. Ah, Draco! Forget it, it's a halfblood that doesn't deserve me.

We arrived in the great hall. All the children crowded at the tables or in front of the hall for sorting part.

My only thought was Smith.

The Ravenclaw table was right next to ours, and Irene was standing in front of me.

I could see her delicate face and perfectly light brown hair from where I was sitting.

uhm man, I hate it. Why don't I like Pureblood slytherin, which are perfect for my parents?

Her slightly wavy hair fell perfectly over her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes ran through the great hall until they met mine. Then she glanced quickly. I've known Irene for a long time, 5 years, but I've never seen her that way. Has she always been so beautiful?

I have to get this thought out of my head.

Irene P.O.V

I kept thinking about the conversation I had with Malfoy.
Did I behave too badly? But it was worth it, wasn't it?

Malfoy always seemed like a pretty handsome boy to me, but my eyes always shone for Harry Potter.

I am best friends with Harry from the beginning of the 3rd year and since then we have been inseparable. I don't want to tell him the feelings I have for him just so I don't ruin the friendship plus, I know how much he likes Ginny, Ron's sister, so I try to drive these feelings away, far away.

Finishing the book I started on the train, I lead my eyes through the room. I accidentally reached, directly in Malfoy's eyes, he was looking at me.

Why is he looking at me? Is he still upset about what happened on the train?
Did he always have such beautiful eyes?

It's going to be a tough year.

We finished eating and then we all went to our rooms. I take my book and robe and made myself to the many large stairs in the middle of the school. From behind I hear some quick footsteps.
"Hey! Smith! " someone said and I recognized the voice instantly.
"Can I take you to the Ravenclaw common room?" Malfoy asks a little embarrassed ...?
wow, he embarrassed, I can't believe it.
"Uhm, Malfoy, I think I know the way to my room. Thank you." I tell him, rolling my eyes.
"Come on Smith, I know I exaggerated on the train, how can I make it up for it?" he asks.
"Just stay away from me." I told him, leaving him behind.

I enter the common room greeting my colleagues and go up to the room. My roommates, Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang were in bed, talking. I stayed a bit and went to bed myself. My thoughts danced through my head, making me fall asleep.

Why was Malfoy suddenly behaving well? Was it another whole plan to make fun of her?

Draco P.O.V

„Just stay away from me" she told me, leaving me behind.

That's all I got. Either I'll make her mine or I'll behave horrible at Hogwarts for the rest of the year.

There was a party for the beginning of the year in the slytherin common room. I didn't feel like it so I went straight to the room, drowning myslelf into my thoughts.

Is she going to be hard to get? Is it worth changing for a person who seems to be the right one? Will I be there to protect her? To console her?

At breakfast, Irene was not there but I tried not to notice and I finished eating quietly.

The first class is Potions with Snape so I head to it .Walking down the hall with my head in the clouds, I stumble upon someone.
She is so light that I threw her completely and she fell on the floor.

"I'm sorry," I say, helping her to her feet. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. "
Irene looks at me and says, "You really can't stay away, do you?" she wipes her pants, robe and notebooks from her hand and leaves.
She moves on to the Potions class.

She will hate me even more for that.

Irene P.O.V

I didn't feel like having breakfast today, so I took all the time to prepare for the first day of school in year 5.

I take my books and notebooks from the closet for the next hour. Suddenly I'm on the floor.

I'm sorry," he said, helping me to my feet. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. "
I look at him and said while cleaning my stuff, 

"You really can't stay away, do you?"
With that I leave, making my way to the Potions class.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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