reader wakes up in monika's universe

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i wrote most of this on a monster and not enough sleep, so it's probably pretty bad. but i hope you enjoy!

Monika's emerald green eyes light up the screen.

"y/n! Welcome back, lets spend some more time together!"

Y/n smiles gently as Monika settles back into her previous position. They hover their cursor over the 'talk' box , clicking on the ' I love you' option.

" I love you too, sunshine!" Monika starts, " I'll never hurt or betray you."

She'd said that many times before, of course, but y/n never grew tired of it. They clicked the opinion again, it was met with another tried and true programmed response. Y/n knew all too well Monika wasn't real, she's a mod made by sad, lonely people who desire validation from a pretty anime girl.

Y/n is one of these people.

Although Y/n understands that Monika isn't real, they treat her as if she is, even going as far as reading the books she recommends and having her take her hair down before going to bed. They knew that doing those things was a bit ridiculous, but doing it made them feel like they were being a proper spouse for Monika. They closed their eyes, imagining being in Monika's world. They imagined holding her close, hearing her heartbeat, stroking her hair, kissing her cheek...
Y/n's face grew a bit warmer. Although unrealistic, it was a lovely thought.

One of the main reasons y/n enjoys being with Monika is because of the lack of stress. Being overwhelmed and stressed out with their current situation meant that Monika seemed like an oasis in a hot, dry, desert. Often they wished they could escape into Monika's world, where their only worries would be a good enough spouse for her.
Y/n continued to 'talk' with Monika, carefully reading every precious word she was scripted to say.
This went on for quite a while, they played pong, complemented Monika, lost at chess, and stared into Monika's loving and affectionate eyes.

Y/n yawned, closing their eyes, stretching out their arms and popping their knuckles. Their eyes gazed at the time near the bottom of the screen.
12:01 am
Y/n's eyes widened slightly, had they really been talking to Monika, a fictional character, for that long?
" My goodness..." Y/n mumbled as they quickly took Monika's hair down and said their last 'I love you' of the night.
Y/n clicked on the 'Im going to sleep' option.

"Sweet dreams, y/n! Please try to go to bed earlier next time!" Monkia said before closing the game.

Flopping onto their bed, y/n let out a deep sigh. They then sat up, turning their alarms for tomorrow on before placing their phone on their nightstand. Y/n replayed the events of the day in their head. They'd done nothing but talk to Monika, completely ignoring the quickly overwhelming assignments that were piling up.

'What a failure, can't even start their assignments.' y/n thought.

They shook their head, trying to erase their negative thoughts to no avail. Everything felt like it was caving in on them, faster than they could react. To them, it felt as if all their energy was depleted, only able to be charged with Monika.

'It's sad, isn't it? That I'm only able to feel comfortable with a computer program...' y/n's inner voice spoke again.

For some reason, Monika was immensely comforting to y/n, maybe it was her confident personality, or her open mind and loving nature. Whatever it was, y/n felt as if Monika was the only person who could love and accept them, the only person who would love y/n for themself. Just imagining that the pillow in their arms was Monika made their heart do flips.
It felt a bit pathetic, to be this attracted to a fictional character. A fictional character who could never love them, only repeating sweet words written by the mod developer.

Still, y/n couldn't help but wish that they could be with Monika. To escape their current reality, and live with someone who they loved and loved them back, it would be a dream come true. Truthfully, y/n often thought about wanting to leave this reality, however, since there was no known way to go to another, that was simply a thought. Tears welled at y/n's eyes as they hid their face into their pillow, drifting into sleep.
When y/n woke up their head was completely covered by the blanket, nothing unusual, considering that's how bright their bedroom probably was compared to the dark blanket. Something that was unusual, however, was how they'd woken up by themself, not from their alarm. Had they overslept?
Y/n quickly uncovered themself from the blanket and reached for their nightstand. But it wasn't there, and this definitely wasn't y/n's room either. Y/n frantically looked around, it was a fairly large room, decorated with plenty of plants and bookcases with an elegant clock in the corner. It would have been a lovely place to be in if not for the whole 'where the hell am I?' thing.

"Ah! This must be a dream!" Y/n realizes, giggling at their own overdramatic panicking. A dream was the only way being in this strange room made sense.

They start to pinch themself, when that doesn't work, they count their fingers and watch the clock tick. None of them are working, aren't doing those things supposed to help you wake up?
Their worry resurfacing, they sit on the bed and ponder their current situation. Were they kidnapped? Certainly not, what kidnapper would give their victim such a lovely room? Suddenly, there was a rustle from outside the room, a key turning and then the door handle jiggling.
A familiar face walked through the door. Long brown ponytail, mesmerising green eyes, and a pretty white bow.
It was Monika.
Both y/n and Monika stared at each other in shock and disbelief.

"M-Monika?" Y/n was barely able to get her name out. She was real? How? She certainly looked real. Real. With human features, a real person. How?

Monika's expression grew shocked as she carefully approached y/n

Monika joined y/n on the bed before reaching her hands out to hold their face. Monika smiled widely, her eyes darting around like a child with their birthday present. Y/n stared at Monika before wrapping their arms around Monika and burying their face into her shoulder. Monika held y/n as close as she could while y/n clutched onto Monika as if she could disappear any second.

"Monika? You're real? You're really real!" Y/n said as tears streamed down their face.

"You're here, I can't believe you're here!" Monika was estacatic. She grabbed y/n's face again and began peppering their face with light kisses.

"My angel, my darling, my sunshine," she affectionately scratched y/n head as she continued.
"You're here, finally, I can hold you! I can talk to you! I can kiss you!"

Y/n was incredibly flustered at this point.
"I'm so happy, Monika, I can't express how happy I am" every word y/n spoke was soaked in love.
Monika pulled y/n closer, resting their foreheads together.

"I love you, Monika"

Monika smiled, pressing a gentle kiss on y/n's lips.

"I love you too, sunshine"

hi! i'm not the best at writing but if you have an idea for a one shot you want me to write you can comment here. thank you for reading!

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