Prom Night

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Anaya flipped through her closet. What to wear?! This? She grabbed a pink dress. Too pink. She grabbed a black one. Too goth. She grabbed a dark purple dress with some flowers on it. Perfect. She laid it out on her bed and put her miraclous on. With a little help she turned the broach into a necklace.

"Anaya are you almost ready?" He mother called from downstairs. "Almost mother!" Anaya replied, brushing out her blueish hair. Last night Hugo made an announcement. He liked one of us. Bella, Val and Ally were trying to pry and find out.

Nicky's POV

Nicky sat on her bed while her older sister, Ally, paced around the room with her girlfriend Val. Val grabbed a blue dress. "Perfect." She said before throwing it at Nicky. "What the heck?" The brunette said. "Put it on." The red head ordered. Terrified, Nicky ran to the bathroom and put it on.

She walked back in and Ally had a hair straightener. Oh god. Before she knew it her sister sat her down and began straightening.

Josie's POV

She put on a pink dress and looked in a mirror. "Will she like it?" She asked her mom. Rose tucked Josie's hair back from her face and smiled. "Of course she will." Josie gave both her mom's a hug before leaving.

"Hey Josie!" A boy called her name. She ignored him. I want to hurry and get to Anaya. He called her name several times. She turned and faced him. "What do you want?" She asked, not hiding the annoyance in her voice.

"Don't you recognize me?" The boy asked. "Nope." Josie said. "Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be." She tried to leave but the boy grabbed her hand. "Remember Cade?" He said. Josie froze.

Anaya's POV

Anaya stood by the entrance of the gym and waited for Josie. Hugo walked up. "Still no Josie?" He asked. "She's not one to stand someone up." Anaya replied, trying to hide the sadness in her voice.

"You're loyal then. Cause I've seen at least seven different guys ask you to dance." Hugo said jokingly. She kept looking for her. Is she coming? Maybe she didn't want to come. She didn't pick me up so I assumed she was running late.

"Come dance with me. What's the harm in a dance between friends." Hugo said, holding out his hand. But Josie...she probably didn't even like me. She took his hand then he brought her to the center to dance.

Josie's POV

She walked up to the entrance. "So you're actually not dead." She took a second to take that in. "Yeah. And I've missed you." He said reaching for her hand. "I already moved on." She said moving her hand.

She walked in and Cade followed her. Where's Anaya? She looked around for her girlfriend. "Just one dance with me. It'll be like old times." Cade begged. "Fine. But only until Anaya gets here." She said, taking Cade's hand.

Anaya's POV

She finished her dance with Hugo then went to the punch bowl. "Jem why are you hiding?" She asked her friend. "I'm not hiding." The girl said before coming out from under the table. "I'm exploring." Anaya laughed quietly.

"Well let me know if you find Josie under there." She said, taking a drink of her punch. Hugo walked over. "You're a great dancer." He said. "Thanks. I took classes when I was little."

Jem stood next to them. "It's a shame you two are brother and sister. Otherwise I'd ship you." Hugo and Anaya shared a confused look. "We're not related." Anaya said. "Oh." Jem said before turning around.

Anaya noticed Jem's shocked expression. "You okay?" Anaya asked. Did we just destroy her reality?! "Um, I found Josie." Jem said, pointing at Josie dancing with someone else.

Anaya stared at Josie. "Wait that's Cade. I thought he was dead." Hugo said. Cade? As in Josie's dead ex Cade?! Tears filled her eyes and she tried to hold them. Josie turned towards the table then froze. "Anaya?" She walked a few steps towards them before Hugo stopped her.

"Cheater." He said. Josie seemed hurt. But Anaya felt broken. She danced with her ex. And she looked like she was having fun. Anaya walked away and felt her tears run down her face.

Josie's POV

"Anaya wait!" She called for her but Anaya didn't stop. She looked at Hugo with tear filled eyes. "Please it's not what it looks like." She begged him to let her go after Anaya. He loved

She ran to the roof, where Anaya was. "I'm sorry. He held me up and I-" Anaya cut her off. "It's alright." The bluenette looked at her and smiled. "You two looked like you were having fun. I don't wanna interrupt it."

Josie stepped closer to her. "I really am sorry." She said. Anaya tried hiding the tears in her eyes. "It's alright. But I think it'd be best if we weren't together." She said before leaving. Josie felt like her entire world just ended.

Her heart felt like it shattered.

Her eyes filled with tears.

She let herself fall to her knees and cry as the words sunk into her mind. I'm sorry Anaya. I really am. She cried for a little while more before a hand came on her shoulder. "It's gonna be alright." Nicky stood there trying to comfort her friend. Josie stood up and hugged her. "I didn't mean to." She cried. Nicky rubbed her back and tried to calm her down.

"I know you didn't. Maybe she'll come to her senses." The brunette said.

Hugo's POV

He watched Anaya run back in, tears still streaming down her face. He ran up to her and hugged her. "It's gonna be okay." He listened to her quiet sobs and when she stopped crying her eyes were puffy.

"I'm-I'm gonna go home." She told him. I hate seeing her cry. He wiped a tear from her cheek. "Don't. Just try to have fun. Knowing your mom, she's not letting you out of the house until Monday." He said.

Her teary eyes looked into his. "Alright." She said. "How about we take a break from dancing." He suggested, noticing how tired she looked. "Um, sure." Anaya replied, barely even paying attention to what he was saying.

"I wanna bring you somewhere." He told her before grabbing her hand and bringing her away from the school.

Hugo brought Anaya to the Eiffel Tower and led her to the top. She looked out from the balcony and smiled. "It's beautiful." She said. Hugo stood next to her and smiled. "Not as beautiful as you." He said under his breath.

She looked at him. "What'd you say?" She asked. "Nothing." He told her then she turned her gaze back to the city. Just tell her you idiot! He saw Anaya wipe a tear from her eye and hugged her. "It's alright. Break ups happen." He said. She hugged him back. "They hurt though." A phone began buzzing then Anaya freaked out.

"Crap! I was supposed to be home ten minutes ago." She said, checking her phone. "I'll bring you home." He offered. "No. Thank you but I don't want you to get caught up in a Kagami mood." She told him.

She hesitated to leave before looking at him. "Thanks for tonight. I really needed it." He smiled when he saw her blush a bit. "No problem." She's so dang cute when she blushes. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said before hugging him and leaving.

She will be mine. Someday and I know it. He went home and laid on his bed. I'll check on her tomorrow. Maybe I could head over to her place.

Hello my friends! So I almost cried because of this. I might be doing slower updates cause I want this to be good for you guys

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