Start from the beginning

Joe: "She's not a liability...just hand over my phone."

Manager: "Look, Joe, sometimes I look at you and ask myself where that smart, focused, and talented young man is... do you know where I can find him?"

Joe: "I'm right here...Haven't gone anywhere."

Manager: "You sure? Because I'm not too sure about that...You're just a shell of who you used to be. This whole freaking love shit is pathetic, least of all with such a person? You've forgotten the rules?"

Joeboy: "I remember them."

MANAGER:Nah I don't think you do, because if you really remember you'd be focused...I don't mean to be a jerk here but you'd have to pick between lade and your career which involves me man....

JOEBOY:(CHUCKLES)You're joking right?

MANAGER:...Which would it be?Me or the liability?
MANAGER:Smart choice.

As soon as I got home, I took a deep breath and savored the feeling of being alone. I remembered Temi's advice to call Joseph, so I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. I waited anxiously as the phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. I tried again and again, but still no response. It felt like I had called a thousand times, but just as I was about to give up, the phone was finally answered. However, to my dismay, it wasn't Joseph's voice on the other end. Instead, it was a woman's voice that I didn't recognize. My heart sank as I tried to figure out who she could be. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and worry, wondering what was going on with Joseph and who this mystery woman could be.

LADE: Hello? Hi Joe, you're probably busy right now but I just wanted to...

FEMALE VOICE: Hi, Joe is really busy right now but you could drop a message.

LADE: Oh... It's really nothing. I'll just call again. Hold on, who is this?

FEMALE VOICE: I'm sorry, you shouldn't be calling Joe. It's a bit inappropriate, don't you think?

LADE: I don't understand you...

FEMALE VOICE: You shouldn't be calling Joseph. I mean, his career means so much to him right now, and he really does not need some loose hoe ruining that. He had his fun with you; why can't you let go? Or because of his whole internet post, you think you and Joe are now what? (laughs) Betrothed?

(Lade, feeling humiliated and hurt, hangs up the phone)

As soon as I heard those hurtful and humiliating words from the female voice on the phone, I hung up immediately. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt so stupid for ever believing that Joseph would come back to me. I fell to my bedroom floor, feeling defeated and ashamed.

I realized that I had been living in a fantasy world and that it was time to face reality. Why would Joseph, a big superstar, want to be with me, a boring university undergraduate? I couldn't believe I had fooled myself with such an illusion.

But then, I made a decision. I would choose myself, Lade Johnson, above all. It wasn't too late to start something for myself. It was time to let go of Joseph and all the drama that came with him. Maybe the whole "JOEBOY" thing wasn't really a bad thing, I thought to myself. Maybe I could look at the positive aspect of it and use that part to my advantage. It was time for me to make my own dreams come true, and I was ready to do it.

LADE: Yes, I really am.

TEMI: My girl, I support you all the way, but are you sure?

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