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PoV: Tobias

"Hey, tall guy," I knew that annoying voice.

"What do you want?" I turned back to see that black haired kid again, "And don't call me that."

"Purple eyes, buy me a sweet tea," he was already getting on my nerves.

"Go buy it yourself," I kept walking.

"I can't," he grabbed my shirt, "Buy it for me."

"You're not going to give up are you?" I wanted to avoid getting irritated for now.

"Buy it," he handed me his change.

"I get it. I get it," I walked to the vending machine and I finally understood why he wanted me to buy it, "Hey... could you not reach the buttons? Ngh!" He elbowed my side.

"Just buy it or I'll scratch you," even his eyes seemed to narrow like a cats.

"Alright, alright," I put in his change and pressed the button for him, "There you happy now-" he was holding the can and the tail to the costume was moving. I could have sworn he was purring too.

"Yes. I am," he started to drink it and put in more change. He picked a button he could reach and grabbed the can.

"Why couldn't you bother someone else- ugh!" He pushed the can into my stomach.

"Everyone else is a stranger. Bye bye," he left.

"Brat could be a little nicer. Damn, that hurt," I held up the can, it was strawberry milk, "Is this a thank you?"

"Tobias, there you are," Luka walked up to me, "Did you mean to buy that?"

"No, you can have it if you want," I handed it to him.

"Sure thing. Thanks," Luka poked the straw through the top and sipped away, "So that new boy is the brat who moved in next door?"

"Yeah, I can't believe he came to school in that costume," I sighed.

"He hasn't talked to anyone but you. Is he nice?" Luka hadn't met him yet, he didn't know how annoying the kid was.

"Not at all. He's a little brat," I sighed.

"That's too bad. He's pretty cute, I bet he'd get along with everyone," Luka threw out the empty can.

"You finished that already?"

"Don't underestimate my love of sweets."


"Why are you following me?" I found Bean, as he called himself, behind me as I was walking home.

"I'm going home," he answered.

"Is that so?" This is the route I take to the pet store. Home is in the other direction.

  He started walking ahead of me. I kept walking, sure enough he followed every turn I made.

"Hey... how long do you plan in following me?" We were in front of the pet store now.

"I like pet stores. They sell good food,"  he walked in.

"You have a pet?" Walked in with him.

"No," he turned to the cat food isel and started staring at all the canned food.

  Weird... I can't pet the cats with this brat here. I'll just wait until he leaves.

  He bought two boxes of cat food and left. I could finally visit the kittens in peace. I spent my time with them and walked out. Something brushed against my leg. I looked down to find Bean sitting on the ground by the door.

My Neighbor Is A Cat Boy!!Where stories live. Discover now