The Tycoon's Unexpected Baby Excerpt

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Dimitri walked into the old building, taking in the details as he went. The brick building was old, but solid with huge windows that harkened back to the industrial era when factories needed big windows to allow air flow in order to cool down the factory floors. It had character and charm, he thought, even if he preferred more modern, clean lines.

"I'm here to speak with Ms. Pepper Abbot," he told the first woman he spotted. She was sitting at a sewing machine and looked up at him with a stunned expression.

"I'm sorry?" the woman replied, not immediately moving to find the woman in question.

"Ms. Abbot," Dimitri repeated impatiently. "Is she here?"

Another woman stepped out of an office, a professional, if wary, expression on her face. "May I help you?" she asked, obviously someone with more authority.

Dimitri moved towards the other woman. "I'm looking for Ms. Pepper Abbot. I'm told that she works here."

The woman crossed her arms, pressing the large notebook to her chest like a shield. "Ms. Abbot isn't here at the moment. I'm her business manager, Nancy Coldron. How can I help you?"

Dimitri wanted to snap at the woman, impatience making his blood boil. He paused, irritated by his annoyance over such a simple issue. He never got angry, he reminded himself. He was always cool and in control. "My name is Dimitri Bosalis," he said, handing her a business card. "Tell Ms. Abbot to call me and set up an appointment."

With that, he turned on his heel and walked out, looking around to ensure that his prey wasn't hiding somewhere. Although, why the lovely woman might hide, he wasn't sure. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to get her out of his mind ever since that morning when he'd spotted her in Central Park. He'd been trying to contact her for three days. It was infuriating that a woman could distract him so badly. He was sure that a simple conversation with her would satisfy his curiosity and allow him to regain his normal control.

"Can I tell her what this is in regards to?" the woman called out from behind him.

Dimitri rested his hand against the door handle as he turned back to the woman. "It's personal," he admitted, then walked out, fully expecting a phone call from Ms. Abbot within the hour.

Although, he'd been expecting that phone call for three days now, and it hadn't happened.

Curiosity, he told himself as he slipped into the open door of the waiting limousine. He was simply curious. Nothing more.

Twenty-four hours later, Dimitri was ready to fire anyone who spoke to him unless the person was a gorgeous brunette in outlandish clothes. He was furious that the beautiful, elusive woman hadn't called, which was why he was now standing in front of her apartment door, ready to break it down if she didn't answer.

A moment later, the heavy door swung open and there she was! He stared down into a face surrounded by thick, dark, wavy hair, enormous light blue eyes fringed by dark lashes and pale, beautiful skin. Her nose was small and her lips red and impossibly sexy as she smiled up at him.

Damn, she was even more beautiful up close. Of course, he'd only seen her through the window four days ago, but still...those eyes! Her blue eyes were surrounded by the longest, lushest lashes he'd ever seen. Surely, they must be fake. But he didn't care. Those crystal blue eyes glowed up at him and he felt that ridiculous zing shoot through him. He remembered feeling that same sensation four days ago when he'd watched her smell that damn flower. Now he knew it wasn't a fluke.

Jerking out of his stunned silence, he shifted his feet slightly. "Ms. Abbot?" he asked.

"Yes?" she replied, leaning against the door as if she were prepared to slam it shut at any moment.

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