A Wrecked Heart #1 (Ace x Nia)

Start from the beginning

"Oh your on" Spencer growled before gaining speed. It wasn't long at all until they was both neck in neck racing down the road before them. Ace started to gain speed as he got ahead of Spencer he turned himself around and started to drive backwards at the same speed. Spencer was taken aback by this as Ace laughed at his suprised expression. "What never seen a car drive backwards before mate?" Ace asked as he continued to laugh at him. Spencer scoffed before seeing that the road was going to dead end not to far ahead of Ace and it was coming up quickly. "Look out!" Spencer yelled before applieing his breaks as Ace quickly turned himself around confused before seeing the "CAUTION DEAD END ROAD" sign just ahead of him. He tried to break but he ended up swerving and wrecking into the ditch below.

Once Spencer came to a stop he looked around for the yellow car before spoting him in the ditch as smoke arose from the under parts of him. Spencer knew he better get the Search and Rescue down here as quick as possible before any more damage could be done to Ace. "I'm going to go get the Search and Rescue Team I'll be right back just try not to move!!" Spencer said as he sped off but little did he know that Ace had went into his human form to keep from injuring himself anymore then what he had already upon impact.

(Time skip)

Ace slightly Groaned as he slowly opened his eye's to see that he was no longer in his damaged car, he was instead at a hospital. He glanced down at his left arm and noticed an Iv was stuck into the back of his hand running up next to him as it connected to the heart reader. He saw his jacket some what torn and ripped hanging up on the door. Ace then grunted as he tried to set up before a sharp pain shot through his chest forcing him to lay back down. "My first day here on this island and I've already gotten myself into a mess ey?...." He softly said to himself as he glanced around the room.

It was like any other typical hospital room. Infront of him was a small TV hung up on the wall, to his left was a small walk in dresser, to his right was a small wooden circle-like table with two chairs, not far from the table was a large window with an a.c under it about the same length as the window.

While he looked out the window he took notice at how high up he was, he figured that he must've been on the 6th floor because of the view he had. Then a small knock was heard from the door, he looked over at the door as a doctor walked in holding a clipboard fixing his glasses. "Ace is it?" The doctor asked glancing back down at the papers. "That's me mate" Ace said figureing that they just hired this guy either that or he was nervous about something. "Good good well what would you like first the good new or bad?" He asked looking back up at him. "We'll I've gotta be some where soon so I'll take the bad news first ey?" He said glancing back at the doctor.

The doctor had an expression on his face that said 'i don't think you'll like this' as he flipped through the papers before reading them out loud to Ace. "We'll im afriad you wont be leaving any time soon there...... Because of your wreck you ended up brusing your chest pretty bad so it may be sore for some time, you fractured your left leg and due to the impact you nearly broke your right arm so it may be sore too.... But hey your a Rally Racer so im sure you've had worse wrecks right?" The doctor said chuckling hoping to lighten the mood slightly.

"Heh..Yeah....." Ace said lowering his head slightly. Sure he was a Rally racer but he's never wrecked as bad as he did now, if anything he's only wrecked twice since he became a Rally car. He hoped he could recover quickly so he could get out and back on the road in time to see the rest of Sodor. "So.... Judging by how long these take to heal when will i get to leave mate?" Ace said glancing back up at the doctor hoping it wouldn't be long.

"We'll since you can't move right now i believe it will be one week before you can leave" the doctor said fixing his glasses. "A week?! Mate you don't understand! i have to be going some where right now!" Ace exclaimed hoping to leave now with no worries at all but that wouldn't be happening any time soon. "I'm afriad i can't let you do that but on the bright side some one has come to visit you" the doctor said walking back towards the door.

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