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⟦   PROLOGUE...   ⟧


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On the filthy and dirty streets Birmingham, a girl ran through the small and narrow streets, running away from her past, and a powerful man, although, some would say, they were one and the same thing. but, if you asked the girl, she would firmly disagree, and she would show her disagreement, by throwing a sharp object in you direction.

"Where the fuck did that bitch run off to?" She heard behind her, as she sharply took a turn, leaning on the wall, to catch her breath.

Although, she could easily fight off the four men wandering around, looking for any trace of her, like fucking dogs, she knew, it would only tell him, where she was.

"We're splitting up." Came another voice, and she closed her eyes, irked. "And remember, don't turn empty-handed. It's either her head, or he'll have ours."

Deciding, that if she stayed in the spot, that had provided her comfort, in her time of need, she would inevitably end up being discovered, she began to move. Slowly at first, but when she heard footsteps catching up to her, her pace automatically sped up.

"Oi, bastards." Came a voice again. "I think I see her."

And that was when she had enough of this childish game, deciding, it was best to get out, while she still could.

And, the only idea that came to her, still out of breath brain, was one she acted upon, almost immediately. Turning, to her left, and knocking on the first door she could see.

Her frustration rising, with every passing second, until the door swung open, and there stood a dark haired women, who quite honestly, intimidated her, the feeling quite unfamiliar to her.

"Yes?" She asks, expression blank, and an eyebrow raised.

"I need help." She blurted out.

"Everybody needs help, girl." The women replied, her expression not wavering, even by the smallest muscle. "Some a little more than others."

"Look, mam―" I star to say.

"Mrs. Grey." She sharply cut me off.

"Mrs. Grey." I repeat. "Some men are chasing after me, and I need to get away from them."

At this, her expression changed, just in the slightest, looking a little more interested. "And what have a girl like you done, to have them chasing after you?"

"I'll tell you everything." I tell her. "But, only if you help me."

She contemplates, weighing her choices, and then lets out a sigh, after a few seconds, letting me know, that she had made her decision.

"Alright, then." She nods her head, and opens the door a little wider. "Come on in, child."

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