He tilted his head to the side the same way Cas always did, and asked “What is Team Free Will?” I laughed at how much like Cas he looked and sounded right now. I wish I had a camera!

“It’s a name the group we fought Lucifer with called ourselves. It was me, Dean, Cas, Bobby, Ellen, and Jo. Dean, Cas, and I are the only ones left. I guess Kevin counts as TFW, but we’re still pretty short on team members, and we could use all the help we could get.” I explained. Gadreel nodded.

“I will leave if that is your wish. I do have your permission to return here and live with you and your brother?” He asked. I stood and walked over, clapping my hand on his shoulder. “Of course! I mean, I’m guessing you’re the one that saved not only me, but Cas, Charlie, and probably one or two more. If anything, I owe you, big time.” Gadreel smiled, something I could tell he didn’t do often.

“Good day Samuel.” He said. “Wait!” I called. He stopped, quirking an eyebrow at me. “My friends call me Sam.” I said. Gadreel smiled again and I returned it.

“Good day, Sam.” There was a flash of white light and I woke up in my bedroom, blinking up at the ceiling. Dean stuck his head in after a minute and asked. “Is Gadreel gone?” I sat up nodding.

“Yeah, he’s gone to get his old vessel, and he’s going to hitch a ride here. I invited him to live here with us, like a new part of Team Free Will, which I have been thinking we should rebuild.” I said. Dean was surprisingly okay with this.

“Whatever. I need to call Cas, and I think I left my phone in here.” He said. I frowned. “Why was your phone in my room?” I asked. Dean blushed and ran, shouting over his shoulder. “Prank Wars Bro!”

“Oh God no. Not again.” I laughed, laying back on my bed.

Dean’s POV:

I stared down at the phone in my hand, staring at the name on the screen. Castiel.  I clicked the contact, raising the phone to my ear as it began ringing. Pick up, pick up . . .

“Hello?” Castiel’s deep voice asked on the other end of the line. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was okay.

“Hey, Cas, it’s Dean. Where are you?” I asked. I glanced at my bedroom door, suddenly afraid that Sam or Kevin would walk in at any moment.

“Dean? It’s good to hear your voice. I’m in Tulsa, Oklahoma right now. Why do you ask?” He questioned, and I could just see his cute little head tilt in my imagination.

“Oh, that’s only a couple hours away from here. You know, Gadreel has left town for a few days, so maybe I could come pick you up and we could hang here at the bunker for a while. And now that Gadreel isn’t in Sam, maybe you could, you know . . . move in?” I asked. Cas was quiet for a minute before saying “I would love to Dean. When can you pick me up?” he asked.

I glanced at my watch. “If I leave now, I should be there at three- thirty this afternoon.” I answered. “I’ll see you then.” Cas said. “Yeah I guess. Bye Cas, take care until I get there.” I said.

“Goodbye Dean.” Cas hung up and I grabbed the keys. “I’ll be back in a few hours, I’m heading to Oklahoma to pick up Cas. If we’re not back by seven, call me.” I shouted at Sam’s bedroom as I walked by.

“’Kay Dean. I’ll- GODDAMMI DEAN! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FREAKING IPOD?!” He shouted. I ran to Baby, laughing as my brother discovered the AC/DC replacing all his usual music. It’s so on!  Thought as I pulled away from the bunker.

“Cas!” I shouted as I spotted the ex- angel by the local theatre. He looked up from the book he was reading as he heard me call, smiling when he spotted me.

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