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I hurriedly stuff the toast in my mouth and run for school. I'm late as usual but I would blame my brother for it. He thinks it's funny to shut my alarm in the middle of the night. When I reach my class , I'm relieved to find that the professor hasn't arrived. I take the only seat left at the back of the class and sip my cold coffee. No matter how late I am , I cannot step out of the house without a coffee.

I rest my head on the desk for a while when someone bangs a bag on my bench. I jump and sit up only to find the most arrogant and obnoxious guy sitting beside me giving me a sheepish smile.

Timothy is the guy who everyone absolutely loves even though he can be a complete arse most of the times. I've spoken to him on a number of occasions. Once , during a frat party where he had pushed me in the pool and next , when I had punched him in the face for pushing me in the pool.

I ignore him and start reading my notes.

" Please don't tell me you are still mad about that pool thing . It happened like a year ago "

I look at him and a part of me is surprised that I never noticed how straight and white his teeth are or how he has a slight dimple on his right cheek.

" I'm not mad about it " I say and we both know that's not true.

" I even asked you on a date to make up for that" he whines and I glare at him.

" Why do you think I want to go on a date with you ?"

" Who doesn't " he says and gives his hair a flip making me roll my eyes.

" The offer for the date is still on if you wanna come ? I'm free tonight " he says bumping my shoulder.

I shake my head no and pretend to read my notes.

I ignore him for the rest of the class. He keeps bothering me throughout making me grit my teeth in anger. As soon as the bell rings , I'm up and out of the class before anyone can blink.

I sigh in relief .

I feel a hand on my shoulder and my best friend Jase pulls me for a hug. I smile forgetting everything about Timothy .

" Why do you look so grumpy ?" Jase asks and I shake my head.

We quickly head to the canteen and sit on our usual table . As soon as Jase opens his tiffin , the smell of chinese food spreads throughout the room. I forget my own box and start digging into his, devouring the perfectly round dumplings and fried rice.

I don't notice Timothy until he clears his throat , startling me in the process. I roll my eyes in annoyance and continue hogging Jase's tiffin.

" A word Shayla?" He says and I finally look at him.

He quickly slides beside me before I can say no and takes a bite out of my spoon.

" Hey !" I squeal and smack him with the spoon as he laughs with his mouth full.

" So , where do you wanna meet me for the date ? I would pick you up but you haven't given your address yet "

" I never agreed to come on a date with you " I point out and he frowns

" Oh come on! What's one date gonna do to you? Are you scared that you won't be able to resist me?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes , " Fine !" I say exasperated and he whoops loudly making others look at us.

" Don't make me change my mind Timothy ! " I warn him .

" So where should I pick you up?" He asks and steals another one of my dumpling. I quickly grab it from his hand and stuff it in my own mouth .

" Hey ! Not fair " he frowns .

" I'll meet you near tweksberry library at 8 " I say .


I try out five different outfits before settling on a yellow floral dress. I wear a blue denim jacket and apply a layer of pink lipstick. The door to my room slams open as Nate,my brother slumps on my bed.

Nate is a year older than me . He is almost a foot taller than me and extremely huge. I feel like a midget in front of him.

" Where ya going?" He asks

" Date with Timothy"

" Timothy? The one who dumped you in the pool ?" He asks and I nod grumpily.

When Timothy had dumped me in the pool , someone had taken a video . They also thought that it would be a good idea to post it on YouTube. It got around 100k views and the whole school called me a pool girl for about 3 months before they all moved on.

Timothy felt extremely sorry and kept trying to help me out in each and every way he could which usually ended up in me being in trouble. He wasn't a bad guy quite the opposite but I was hella mad at him for that.

It didn't help that I had a tiny crush on him however all the little liking I had for him disappeared after the party .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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