04 - Third time's a Charm

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   Only 531 words

  "Stop it, you." Darryl giggles, Zak poking him on his side with a pencil. "We're supposes to study." He continues to squirm.

     Vincent gives them a smile, but the two didn't seem to notice. He put more pressure on his pencil the more Zak and Darryl got in his head. Eventually, the pencil snapped - so did he. "I'm gonna go buy food."


     He blankly stares at the window as he ate his fourth chocolate bar.

     "Psst." Zak sat beside Vincent, propping himself, getting comfortable on the couch. "You okay, man? You've been zoning out a lot ever since what happened last Friday."
     "Oh." Vincent sputtered out. Ignoring the question, he realized that Darryl wasn't in the room. He probably went to the bathroom - maybe thay's why Zak finally decided to give him attention. Great.

     Vincent continued chewing, until it wasn't chocolate but his lip. Honestly he felt like exploding; pour out everything that he had bottled up. His thoughts and emotions were amping up, but as soon as he looked at Zak in the eyes, his heart practically melted. It beat quickly for a different reason now.

     He felt his face heating up, turning his head away to make sure Zak doesn't notice. "Well," his voice cracked "school's just really - really getting on me. I've got to go to that stupid tutor stuff an hour from now as well."

     "Don't let it mow you down. You're probably doing better than I am!" Zak joked. Vincent couldn't help getting infected by his friend's smile. "Mr. Keem's thing will probably help you anyways, so the joke's on him."


     The trio drove back to school, Zak on the steering wheel and Darryl on the shotgun. Vincent holds back a smile everytime his eyes met with Zak's at the rear-view mirror. Enjoy the little things.

     "See you guys again," Vincent bid farewell, the other two sharing their goodbyes and drove away not long after he entered the building.

     The school was quieter, but a fair share of people where still their to liven up the place. He passed by the gym where the theater club held their practice - the teachers were probably using the auditorium. Clay, George and Nick were fooling around out in the field, pulling out weeds and throwing them at each other.

     Finally, he reached his way into the library. Vincent went to the librarian and asked for the attendance sheet he specifically required.

     "Oh, (Vincent's last name)? I believe your tutor's in one of the tables near the Fiction genre." She smiled pointing far from where they were. He gave her a thank you and left.

     When he got there all the tables were empty - but there was one with piled books and a laptop open. Slowly, he walked towards it and moved his fingers on the trackpad, the monitor displaying the owner's username. "Dave?"

     "That's me." He looked up to see the kid he kept crossing paths with yet again. For once, Vincent could see him clearly this time. He wore glasses as well, and his hair was lighter. One thing he had also left unnoticed was his height. Probably a few inches taller then he was.

     "So," His Tutor sat down.
"what's up?"


I have exams next next week.
I'll be using this week to study
I'll be back on wattpad after
The 21st of September.


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