Hour 12

438 15 2

10:45, approximately 12 hours before death.

C.C. found Lelouch on the balcony of his room, having changed from his robe into a loose linen shirt and black pants.

The night air swayed drunkenly around, puffing light breezes through the trees, making the woods surrounding the palace rustle.

The moon was almost full, shining lovingly down at nothing in particular, her soft light splitting into millions of glass shards on the still lake.

C.C. walked up next to Lelouch, her shoulder brushing slightly against his, the scent of her perfume a light dust of citrus.

"You took your time, didn't you." Lelouch rested on his shoulders, his hands dangling over each other on the railing.

"You say that like I have no right to." C.C. closed her eyes, feeling the night rustle through her hair, and she mimicked Lelouch's position, hunching over her shoulders, her hands dangling over the edge.

They stayed like this for a long time, not one of them talking, both seeming to carry heavy burdens in their hearts, unable to convey through words the turmoil in their hearts.

For Lelouch, he thought longingly of his school days, when things were so much simpler, when he had his sister, his friends, everyone he had ever loved who were now either all gone or dead.

C.C. had nothing in particular racing through her head, except for her heart beating so fast at the prospect of everything dear to her falling through her outstretched hands, and she could do nothing to save them.

C.C. glanced over at Lelouch, at his handsome face, his soft hair, his sad eyes, and she suddenly felt everything crush down on her.

"C.C. I--"

Lelouch never got to finish his sentence.

C.C. clasped Lelouch's face in her hands, and brought her lips to his.

She kissed him feverishly, as if he would disappear any second, as if he was a puff of smoke, an illusion, a mirage, something that would evaporate with the lightest of touch.

Lelouch stood frozen, his heart bursting through his chest, with love and shock and a tidal wave of sorrow for their wasted love story.

At first, Lelouch thought C.C. would pull away as quickly as she came, as their first kiss, and second, but this time, she stayed.

And so he kissed her back.

Somehow, both of them ended up on Lelouch's bed, C.C. on top and Lelouch on the bottom, pulling each other closer and closer, before pulling away for mere seconds to catch their breath only to fall over each other all over again.

C.C. felt her hands wander under Lelouch's shirt, her thoughts splintering, with a restrained love filling the shattered cracks.

"This may be the one time I'll thank you for buttoning only one button."

C.C. ran a hand down Lelouch's chest, admiring his smooth curves and porcelain skin. She placed kisses down his neck, all the way down to his belly button, before kissing the same way up again.

Lelouch ran his hands through C.C. long hair, feeling the silken strands glide over his fingers, which had trailed down to her collarbone, and then even lower, towards the sash tying her bathrobe together.

He loosened the ribbon, sucking in a breath as the fabric fell away to reveal C.C.'s body, a perfect hourglass, with milky skin, dewy with water from her bath.

C.C. watched Lelouch's face flush as his eyes flitted over her, and she smiled seductively, making his face even redder.

Tumbling onto the bed, C.C. began kissing Lelouch again, gripping his face in her hands, their bodies intertwined with one another, Lelouch's hands trailing paths all over C.C.'s back.

Her kisses were not kind. They were harsh, wild, letting out everything from the past few years.





Lelouch fought C.C.'s wildness with his own tender touch, running soft fingers down her back, letting her bite his lips and dig her hands into his back.

Suddenly, Lelouch felt a drop of something wet slide down his face.

Then another, and another.

Opening his eyes, he saw C.C. crying, her eyes rimmed in red, her hands no longer gripping his face harshly, her kisses becoming slow and painful.

Unsure of what to do, Lelouch pulled back, and held C.C. close to his chest. She fit perfectly, the grooves of her body molding into his.

"Don't cry, please don't cry." Lelouch combed her hair through with his fingers, placing a gentle kiss on the top of C.C.'s head.

"I..." C.C. trailed off, her voice breaking. She's never broken down like this before.

What was this suffocating hole in her chest, the sides caving in, dragging her down with it? The endless thorn twisting in her heart, a wrong key in a wrong lock? Why was she hurting so much, so badly, so desperately?

"Lelouch, before you go, I want to tell you this. I love you. Like a lover, a companion, a witch and her warlock, I don't care. You are someone I care so deeply for, someone I want so desperately to spend eternity with." C.C. felt herself unable to go on, she was too pained, every word she spewed another crack in her dam, and so she had to stop.

"I'm not going anywhere. We are accomplices, remember?"

C.C. said nothing.

And so nothing was said.

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