A/N (Please read)

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Ok so I know I haven't posted in a longggggggggg time and I wanna apologise.

But I first wanna say thank you for 2.14k reads!! I didn't think I was gonna be this "Big" lol. So thank you very much for that.

Ok so I had started online school like 4 weeks ago and I already have like 8 missing assignments (ik😭) So I will try my best to be as active on Wattpad more but not so often just because I have school. I start school at 8:30 and I should be done at 2:00 so I wont be as active around that time.

I'm new to this wattpad thing so I have to like get used to it alot. I'll try to post as much as I can and I'll try to update y'all.

Speaking of updates... Threesome (last part) might come out tomorrow... But it's not for sure. (I'm pretty sure I am but like just in case you know?)
So yeah...
And "~slut~" I will probably post the next part in like 2 or 3 days.
On the weekends I have nothing to do, so I'll try and spam on the weekends. (Unless we're on a family rode trip, or with my grandma because I don't have wIfI)

Now another reason why I haven't been posting is because Im going through a breakup... It is really hard but that's not gonna stop me from posting some more stories. Having to end a relationship of 7th months, because I'm not good enough is like hard. He (my now ex) even said I wasn't enough so that sucked even more💔 but who cares.

I'm gonna try to be as active on Wattpad more and imma try to post more parts of the story's. I Apologize, and I will never leave you guys hanging like that again.

Also I was thinking if I should make another book of just ~mairi~ smuts??? would y'all be interested in it or no? Let me know!!

- Author ❤️

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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Just Smuts🤤Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum