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The days seemed to pass by, the same thing everyday

Alex waking up with the urge to puke

Harry never leaving her alone

And her avoiding Draco.

Harry had seem to drop the subject about who the father was, which alex was grateful for.

She was now at the end of her first trimester, and just like ginny and hermione said, she was starting to show.

It wasn't to obvious, even tho she had outgrown her skirt and needed a new pair.

The girl had just decided to wear her robe over it and no one would notice, since it was just a little bump.

"We've come to make a wish" Fred and George said as they walked into the common room and took a seat at the opposite ends of Alex.

"Wish away" she said lifting her book so the twins could rub her stomach.

She knew it sounded odd, but everyone that knew about the girls pregnancy, except the teachers, had gotten into the habit of rubbing her stomach and making a wish, like it was a magic lamp.

She didn't hear what they wished for, something about their candy shop, but they said their goodbyes and left the girl alone.

Tho Fred came back and placed a kiss on the girl cheek before running off once more, causing her to smile slightly.

She sighed, getting tired of her book and thinking of something she could do.

She's been thinking about telling draco about the pregnancy, because she heard he was no longer with pansy, so she wouldn't be ruining any relationships.

But first she had to tell Harry.

She had told Ginny and hermione about two weeks ago, at first they were a little mad, but quickly got over it.

She was just hoping it was the same for Harry.

The girl got up and quickly found Harry, who was at quidditch practice.

"Harry I need to speak to you" she said as she grabbed her brothers hand.

He nodded, telling the team he'd be back, and led his sister to a bench.

"Is everything okay?" He asked looking at the girl with concern painted on his face.

"I'm ready to tell you who the father is"

Harry's face lit up, "you won't be to happy, but you have to promise me you won't get mad okay?" She continued

"Twin swear" he said as he held out his hand.

The pair had been doing this since they were kids, if they did their special handshake the other had to do what they promised.

After the crazy long handshake Alex took a deep breath, preparing herself for what was about to come.

"It's draco malfoys baby Harry"

She could see Harry's body tense up, "are you sure it's his?"

She nodded looking down at the grass, "I've got to go" Harry said while getting up and walking back to his practice.

Alex understood that he needed time, so she let him walk away.

She got up, now in search for Draco.

She found him in the same spot at the courtyard, but this time he was alone.

"Where's your little posse" the girl joked while leaning against the wall closets to him

He looked up and gave her a flat smile, "what's going on?" She asked as she took a seat next to him.

He just shook his head, "family stuff, any reason I'm being blessed with the great Alex potters presence?"

Alex smiled, "follow me"

The girl got up, with the blonde right on her tail.

She took him to the only place she knew they'd be alone, a balcony at the very top of the school

They could see everything from here, she often came here to be alone

"Why are we here?" Draco asked while taking in the view.

"Draco, I'm pregnant" she blurted out.

The boy whipped his head to look at her, "I-is it mine?" He stuttered out

The girl rolled her eyes, she knew this had to be a confusing time for him, but her hormones got the best of her

"I wouldn't be telling you if it wasnt"

"How far along are you?" He asked taking slow careful steps towards the girl, like he was afraid she'd get hurt if he walked to quickly.

"About 13 weeks now"

"Why did you wait so long to tell me, how long have you known?" He said looking down at the girl

"For a while, I was scared, and Harry already knows. He was fine with the baby part, not so fine with you being the father but he'll just have to deal"

"Are you showing yet?" He said ignoring everything the girl just said.

She sighed and turned to her side, taking off her robe to reveal the small bump she now had.

"Can I touch it?" He asked curiously

She nodded her head, and Draco carefully placed his large hands on the girls tiny bump.

It took Draco a good five minutes to fully comprehend the situation

After that he threw every possible question at the girl, most of them being the same as the ones Ginny and hermione had weeks ago

She then told him about her friends rubbing her belly like a lamp and making wishes, which he said he'll start doing.

They talked about what they were, but neither of them knew.

They wanted to be together, but both decided they shouldn't rush into it.

They talked about name possibility's, but never agreed on one.

Draco asked her to visit his parents, because they had to know.

And the girl agreed, for winter break, the two would spend it at the malfoy manor.

Well half of the break, for one week she'd be with the malfoys and the following week with the Weasleys

Everything seemed to be falling into place, tho Harry was a bit mad the girl knew he'd come around.

She was happy, of course she's been happy since the day she found out she was having a baby, but now she got to share the enjoyment with the other half of it.

She was happy this baby would have two parents instead of one.

She was happy she was talking to draco again.

And for the first time in a long time, she felt complete.

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now