》 The Dragon Palace 《

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Inside deep into the ocean..

There, lived many dangerous creatures lurking into the depths, unsure where they come from

Sea monsters, 12 legged demons, glow in the dark sharp teeth.

But, none was much more worse or twice as terrifying as the legendary monsters who roam across the world


Each and every existed dragon hides beneath the sea, away from human society and away from contact.

This was the way to live. This was their lives, their fates, their destiny

Expect for one particular one

Ao risen down, beneath the sea and into the deeper depths of the ocean

Ao landing on a stone rock as underneath it was lava. Still flowing as ever

"Father. Master" he bowed

Infront of him, a large oversize Dragon. King of the dragons and Lord of the undersea and a father to Ao

"How was today's assignment?" Shen ask patiently

"I made seven lesser revolutions and four greater revolutions. I learned to make icy rivers, Cliffside springs, frost and snow. I have reached the seventh level of ninth heaven ice Jade...also, I made two friends on the beach.." He finish reporting

"What--? A friends??" Shen said, standing up, furious of Ao

"You know that you can't reveal your identity yet!"

"He is human. And so is the girl! He and she dosent care who I am and thinks if me as a friend too."

"Who are these people?" Shen growled under his breath

"His name is Nezha and the girls is Annya" he finishes

Shen looks at Ao in shock and looks over at the dragon Lord as he as well glances back at Shen

"Hehe..what a small world. You actually met the demon pill and his hetch men Sparrow spirit" Shen explains as Ao in shock and xomfuaed on what he just did

"What..but..you mean.."

"Nezha is the demon pill. We have waited for three years. The day the heavenly tribulation occurs, and the demon pill begins is massacre, will be the day you save Chentang Pass and be rightfully known as The spirit pearl." Shen explains

Ao still lost in thought but makes the connections

"Is the..demon pill truly wicked beyond redemption?" Ao ask

Shen about to tell a lesson on Ao, his father the dragon Lord comes in to explain him better

"In times of antiquity, the almighty dragon clan once rules over all sea creatures and other known lands, at the heavenly courts request, we subdued countless demon beasts in the ocean, and I was bestowed the title of the dragon king" the dragon king says, coming closer to his son

"Do you know what this place is?"

"T..the dragon palace." Ao replies back to his father, he comes in even close to him

"Beneath the magma of this volcano, are all the underwater beasts that we helped the heavenly court defeat. The name dragon place may sound nice, but in reality, it is a prison" he explains, coming back to this place as Ao looks over his father

"If we were to leave this place, all the monsters would be free from divine supervision and escape...we can't set foot outside this palace...Dragons are born from monsters after all and couldn't possibly gain the heavenly courts trust. This position as dragon king, dosent just keep the ocean monsters imprisoned. Our kind is also eternally imprisoned in this heavenly jail." Dragon king said, looking down at his son

His eyes filled with exhaustion and tired from many millennium agos

"Son, our kind has waited a millennium for a chance like the spirit pearl.." Dragon king said before Shen cut in

"In another year, I will be able to completely remove your horns from your head and hide your identity as one of the dragons. Only by achieving great deeds in the battle of the gods, being defied and ascending to heaven. Will you have a chance to free the dragons from this underwater purgatory."

Ao looks down at his feet, feeling the heavy burden we will carry for now on. Achieving great deeds in order to release his ancestors to freedom. Even his father.

"The fate of our clan depends in your success. Don't let yourself be fooled by an illusion." The dragon king says

"And do not be fooled by the word "friend" the demon pill is will be your only chance into success to the heaven palace" Shen says

Ao looks over at his master and his father and the rest of the dragons. Closing his eyes, bows both of his importance

"..Yes Father, master. I will do my best for our future."

Nezha x Annya(oc) 《Twinflames Warriors》 NE ZHA Animated MovieWhere stories live. Discover now