Lao Script Graphics Shop

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Covers and Banners:

1. Username, and if you want a different name other than your username on your graphic, what it is
2. Book Title
3. Words/phrases/subtitles
4. Genre
5. Type of graphic you want (cover, banner, aesthetic, etc)
6. Style of graphic (simple, manipulation, typography, etc)
7. Colour scheme
8. Face claim or description of the character (hair, skin colour, etc.)
9. Specific ideas (objects, characterization, etc)
10. Mature/LGBTQ and if so, identify in what ways
11. As per the rules, is your book published and expected to remain posted for at least two weeks?
12. The award/contest you won
13. Tag your requested designer

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1. Character's name
2. Name you want displayed on the aesthetic
3. Character's title (high lady, prince, sergeant, etc.)
4. Gender
5. Number of grids
- if you're ordering from Reverie, look at her sample grids and choose the one you want. then, instead of number of grids, answer with the name that's on the grid (Feyre, Amren, Rhys, etc.)
6. Face claim or description of the character (hair, skin colour, etc.)
7. Colour scheme/what is your character's favourite colour?
8. Ten things that represent the character (pretty much what you would like on your aesthetic)
9. A little about your character (what they stand for, who they are as a person, etc.)
10. Mature/LGBTQ and if so, identify in what ways so it can be displayed properly
11. As per the rules, is your book published and expected to remain posted for at least two weeks?
12. The award/contest you won
13. Tag your requested designer

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