Chapter 2

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Decades later, it was 2005. Alexandra and Carlisle's coven had grown over the years. Carlisle had turned Edward, Esme, and Rosalie the same way he had turned Alexandra, when they were close to death. Rosalie had found Emmett while she was hunting. He had been mauled by a bear and she instantly fell in love with him. She had brought Emmett to Carlisle and asked him to change him, afraid that she wouldn't be able to do it. Alice and Jasper was looking for them after Alice had a vision of them.

They were currently living in Forks, Washington. They had moved two years ago with Carlisle being offered a job as the head surgeon at the local hospital.

It was  early in the morning, Alexandra was getting ready for school while everyone else was out hunting. She searched through her closet, looking for an outfit. She settled for a white short-sleeved shirt, ripped jeans, black converses, and a pink jacket. She topped the outfit off with a mint green scarf.

Like Carlisle, Alexandra tended to wear scarves to hide her vampire bites

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Like Carlisle, Alexandra tended to wear scarves to hide her vampire bites. She braided her hair and looked in the mirror to make sure she looked ok. She saw her red eyes and remembered that she needed to put her contacts in. Since she has red eyes due to only being able to drink human blood and didn't have the golden eye color that the rest of her family has, she had to wear contacts. She put her blue contacts in, grabbed her bag, and headed downstairs. Alexandra went into the kitchen. She grabbed a blood bag from the fridge, warmed it in the microwave, and put it in a water bottle. One of the perks of drinking human blood was that she could put it in a water bottle and bring it to school with her, where her siblings couldn't do that with animal blood.

"Good morning, Alexandra." Carlisle greeted her as he and Esme walked into the kitchen.

"How are you this morning?" Esme asked.

"Hi Mom, Dad." Alexandra greeted them. "I'm good." Unlike her siblings, Alexandra called Carlisle and Esme Mom and Dad. Mainly because she saw them as parental figures to her. She saw Carlisle as a father figure early on after she was turned, especially since she never had one in her life before him. Esme was very much like her mother, when she met her, so Alexandra saw her as a mother figure to her.

"Cute outfit, Ally." Alice complimented. "I like it."

"Glad to know I have your approval." Alexandra teased. "Cause you know I always take in account what you would think when I get dressed."

"As it should be." Alice said. Alexandra laughed.

"You girls ready to go?" Edward asked.

"Yeah." Alice said.

"Bye guys." Esme said as everyone, except her, left the house.

"Bye." They all said, walking out of the house.

Alexandra got in Rosalie's red Mercedes with Rosalie and Emmett, while Edward, Jasper, and Alice got in Edward's Silver Volvo. They drove to the school. Edward parked his car in the parking lot of Forks High School and Rosalie parked next to him. They all got out of the cars and headed into the school.

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