Chapter 14 - Sophie

Start from the beginning

"A-at least let me stay with her," Keefe says. "Before you take her Exile,"

Alina opens her mouth but Oralie cuts her off. "Of course,"

Keefe grumbles something under his breath about Oralie

"We.... we should g-go," Councillor Terik said, awkwardly

"Yeah you should," Keefe spits and crossed his arms, glaring

My eyes grow wide. "Keefe," I hiss

Keefe slumps his shoulders and runs his hand down his face. "I-I yeah, sorry,"

The Councilors nod and leave one by one while Oralie refuses to meet my gaze

Keefe drops next to me when they leave. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I-I can't believe this," Keefe's voice cracks. He rests his head on mine. "You're going to go to Exile in less than an hour,"

I just sit still because I'm afraid if I move I'll burst into tears

Keefe wraps his arms around me

As much as I tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from my throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling one after another, without a sign of stopping.

I've dreamt of going to Exile.

I thought I'd be happy


But right now I don't feel any of those emotions

I felt inconsolable

I don't want to leave Keefe.

I tried to muffle my soft whimpers. "I-I don't want to leave... you," I rest my head on his chest, tears falling onto him

"I don't either, Sophie," Keefe says into my hair and his grip tightened

Sadness and I are best friends

When my joy departs

It.... just hangs over my head and follows me everywhere

Sadness is for free

The tears that drown me are like relief for it but for me, it's a thief. Stealing all the joy and obliterating it with its robbery.

"I-I can't do this," this time I didn't say it; it was Keefe

I look up to face Keefe and I wipe my eyes with my hands. "W-what do you mean?"

"Let's run away, again," he whispers

"No!" I blurt. I shake my head, and I straighten still in Keefe's arms. "That will solve nothing,"


"They found us once, they'll find us again and once they do, they'll Exile both of us!" I interrupted

Keefe sighed, and his grip loosened. "B-but I c-can't live without you," his eyes glisten with tears, and as he blinks they slide down his cheeks. He bites his lip, tightly in an attempt to hide any sound that wants to escape; my heart sinks

I quickly wipe his tears and engulf him with a hug. I rest my head on his shoulder and stare at the light blue wall as tears blur my vision. I take a shaky breath before saying, "it will be fine,"

Keefe's body trembles against mine. "No, it will never be fine without you,"

Tears roll down my cheeks. This melancholy is a cloak I can't simply let fall to the floor, and though I hold it so tight I can't find the warmth I need, yet it clings. It is the anchor to my feet, the reason I can't find the surface or the sunshine, that feeling of soft joy that lives in memories that can't rise within.

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