Chapter 12 - Sophie

Depuis le début


I did not say, baby

I'm hoping Keefe didn't pay attention

But he's Keefe of course he did

I bit my lip as I turned my head to face a grinning Keefe. I opened my mouth to speak but Keefe interrupted me. "Before you apologize- which is totally unnecessary." Keefe nudged my shoulder with a smirk. "I love that nickname and you should you use it- always,"

I rolled my eyes trying to hide my grin. Keefe looked in the distance and I followed his gaze towards the diminished, old clock.

"It's only three am?" I asked, bewildered

"Perfect," Keefe said under his breath

I looked back at Keefe. "Why?"

Keefe grinned. "We should make the best of this alone time,"

I looked at him puzzled, replaying his words in my head. I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

Keefe traced my body with his finger, my lap to my chest, goosebumps awoken at his touch. Keefe pulled me to sit on his lap. "We should start where we left off," he muttered into my ear. A tingly feeling emerged from my gut slowly making its way towards my body as Keefe pinned me against the wall. Just as Keefe's parted lips were going to touch mine I rustled: "Hey, Keefe?"

Keefe smirked. "Baby," he corrected

I rolled my eyes. "What if someone comes?"

"At three?" Keefe whispered. I yelped as Keefe pulled me down so that he could lay on top of me, but in a particular way so I couldn't feel his weight. "No way,"

"Mmh," Keefe pressed his lips onto my and our kisses were quintessential. Kissing and slurping noises escaped our mouths- it was honestly kind of amusing. Keefe started laughing against my lips and I let out my laugh. We were just rolling around, laughing, and kissing on the bench. It was kind of ironic- we were having the time of our lives while knowing we were going to have a tribunal. I let out a soft moan as Keefe deepened our kiss; he had rolled, so I was lying on top of him. I ran my hand through his soft locks as Keefe drags his lips down to my neck.

**Time skip**

Before we could do anything else I overheard footsteps. Keefe's eyes grew as he pulled away from my lips. I quickly sat down as Keefe did too. I glance at the clock and it's about six. Wow, time does fly when you're having fun.

I gape at Keefe's slightly swollen lips- swollen. I touch his lips and nudge my head towards his lips as if telling him that his lips are swollen.

He nodes and makes a knowing face. He nudges his head towards me and I could tell he was telling me the same. I pull my finger away from Keefe's lips and touch mine.

I bite my lips trying hard not to rip them.

Two goblins appear with a familiar face in between them.


My eyes stretched, and I gasped

She was holding a bag, and she looked as remarkable as ever. She was wearing a short knee-length periwinkle dress. Even though the dress was simple her makeup was impeccable.

We locked eyes for a flash before Biana looked away

"Open the door," she commanded the goblin who obeyed, yanking the key from his pocket. He shoved the key in the lock and deliberately opened it. "You can go now," Biana told them

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