Chapter Twenty - Transformation

Start from the beginning

Robin grins at me before turning to Cyborg, and I swear I spot him mouth something to the mechanic teen. Cyborg nods and they both turn back to congratulate me. "Aw, man!" Cyborg pouts, placing his controller on the coffee table.

"One more round, since we're all tied up?" Robin proposes.

    Before I can reply, the alarm blares, signalling trouble. Beast Boy and Raven rush into the room, and I wander around the space, glancing in each hallway, but Starfire is nowhere to be seen.

I shake my head at Robin, and he presses a button and speaks into the speaker. "Starfire! Trouble! We need to go!"

"Please proceed!" she responds, her voice muffled and almost inaudible. "I will join you shortly!"


I shoot ice shards and sharp rocks at Plasmas whilst Robin shoots his explosive discs. The explosions sound, but Plasmas simply morphs back into his normal shape.

"I don't know what's more disgusting, Plasmas..." Robin states, his arms folded over his chest. "... the way you look... or the stuff you eat." Plasmas makes a gurgling noise before spitting goo at us. "Titans! Go!" We split up to avoid the blast and I land in the audience.

Robin jumps over the blast and charges at Plasmas, sticking his staff inside. Plasmas spits it out in front of him and he looks at it, Plasmas taking the distraction to trap him in his arm and throw him at the goalpost. I wince as Robin hits the post and I steady his landing.

Cyborg shoots his sonic cannon from just in front of Robin. "Come on, Booger-Man!" he says as he continues blasting. "Gimme what you got!" Plasmas shoots at him, sending him back into the pole of the goals. Cyborg snorts some of Plasmas' goo out of his nose and grimaces. "I'm gonna be smelling that for a week."

Raven floats up from behind Plasmas and her eyes glow white. The sewer pipe that Plasmas pulled out turns black and wraps itself around him, trapping him. "Azarath Metrion—" Raven begins, but the villain knocks her back, covering her in goo just like the two Titans before her. "Yuck."

"Cyborg!" Beast Boy calls out, running at said teen. "Time for the Beast Boy Blitz!" He turns into an armadillo and Cyborg throws him at Plasmas, shortly before getting knocked back by the villain. Beast Boy then changes into a rhinoceros, and subsequently gets knocked back into the drinks. He licks his lips as he tastes the drink. "Orange-flavoured bad guy? Gross, yet strangely refreshing."

I charge at Plasmas, using some of the yard to shield myself from his goo. Once I get near enough to him that the others won't be harmed, I lift the villain into the air and shield him in water. The water closes in on Plasmas, but before it can do anything effective, starbolts penetrate through and send him into the sewer.



"Way to go, Star... fire?"

Starfire floats down dressed in yellow mud boots, a yellow overcoat, blue oven mits, and the same green hat she was wearing earlier this week: the only time I've seen her.

"Interesting fashion statement," Raven says, voicing all of our thoughts.

"Yeah, uh... nice slicker," Beast Boy says.

"Starfire... you've been acting kind of... strange lately," Robin points out as he begins to walk to her. "Is everything okay?" She groans and takes steps back, just as Plasmas shoots out of the sewer, screeching. Balls of toxic sewer water lie on his body, and I stare at the new developments.

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