Who's your best friend (XY version)

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Aries= Bakugo (do I need to explain 🗿)

Taurus= Sato (you both love cake)

Gemini= Kaminari (you guys crack dad jokes 99% of the time)

Cancer= Shouji (the super kind selfless duo who are both cinnamon rolls but can murder anyone who looks at their friends the wrong way)

Leo= Aoyama (hype buddies- y'all just hype each other tf up)

Virgo= Iida (you guys study together a lot- he likes to discuss battle strategies)

Libra= Sero (the silent communication and then burst out laughing friends)

Scorpio= Tokoyami (the two emo fks- nah jk jk I love you both 🥺🥺)

Sagittarius= Kirishima (woah bro- the manly squad)

Capricorn= Ojiro (sparring partners who push themselves too far but yea you guys are inseparable)

Aquarius= Izuku (you teach the poor baby how to have fun 🥺🥺)

Pisces= Kouda (you learned JSL just to talk to him and now he loves you- he lets you play with his rabbit all the time at the dorm when you're feeling stressed)

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