Ask Or Dare Here

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Rouxi: Heya! Rouxi here, so i decided to make an ask or dare for the student council since theres not much of fanfiction revolving among these awsome characters in yan sim so im making some for those who want it!

Stay tuned for books im going to be releasing for ships on aoiromi, catradora and more! Now lets start shall we ^^

*Rouxi walks to the sc room*

Rouxi : Heya guys!

Akane : rouxi dear! How nice of you to pass by.

Shiromi: yo

Kuroko: good afternoon to you Ian san

Aoi: whats up?

Rouxi: nothing, just want shiromi to hold this sign up for me to take a picture.

Shiromi : what for?

Rouxi: ask or dare the student councils.

Aoi: and why the fuck arent we aware were doing that?

Koruko: ryugoku San! Language!

Aoi: JAPANESE! now answer the damn question.

Rouxi: its because i make the rules here.

Kuroko: *adjust her glasses*

Shiromi: come on edgelord, it sounds like alot of fun~

Aoi: *mumbles* it sounds like torture..

Akane: come on dear, it shouldn't be that bad!

Aoi: fine, but no funny business, and it better be good!

Rouxi: fine, Now shiromi the sign?

Shiromi : got it. *holds the sign up*

Rouxi : good now the fun begins!

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Rouxi : good now the fun begins!

Aoi: your not gonna be apart of this, are you?

Rouxi: well that depends if i got a dare or question.

Akane: oh how exciting!

Kuroko: i supposed it wont hurt to join this.

Rouxi: *mumbles* you dont really have a choice on that..welp ill leave this to the comments then! Im looking forward to these dares and questions

Ask Or Dare the student councilWhere stories live. Discover now