Chapter 2: Happy Travels

Start from the beginning

"Seems like a stiff price to pay for privacy."

Cae snorted, "You've never had to deal with courtiers and suitors."

Maccus retorted "Aye, you've got me there. You be glad too, my manners aren't quite up to snuff for those citadel folk. Can ye imagine me in one of those frilly tunics "

Even the grim Idwal grinned at that statement.

Caewyn smiled beneath her mask " Come on, you miserable lot of misfits, lets get back to Minas Tirith, I miss my bathtub."

The merry band rode the last mile toward the city gates where they were met by a rather anxious looking messenger.

He bowed smartly toward Cae , "Pardon, the disruption Princess-General but His majesty the king has requested you ride toward Mirkwood, for a rather urgent meeting with the Elven King."

Cae sighed and turned towards her men, "The rest of you go and get a well earned break, Idwal with me."

Tariion, the youngest of the crew, groaned "Why is it that Idwal is the only one that ever gets to see Mirkwood? "

Cae smirked, "Because being half-elf Idwal is the only one of you misfits that wont spend the entire visit in a prison cell. Now go home Tariion and don't give Madam Felipa any trouble. Just because you are the best archer in this age doesn't mean I wont break a few of your fingers for insubordination. "

Tariion visibly paled and bowed smartly before leading his horse up through the city gates. Maccus laughing his head off behind him.

Cae looked sideways at Idwal, "Well my friend are you ready for another journey where we are reminded of our half-blooded ways."

"Being half Dunedain is better than half human. " Idwal mumbled under his breath.

Cae shrugged , "I'm not sure if it is, I think the elves put up with my title more than me."

Idwal smirked, "Well said Princess-General Telcontar."

Cae turned her horse , Second, towards Osgiliath where they would catch a ferry up the Anduin River till its end at the base of the grey mountains at which point they would ride an elven barge down the forest river to the halls of the Elven King.

Cae hated this journey, it was always tiresome, being stuck on a boat with nothing to do she always secretly hoped the ferry would get attacked by river pirates or something of the like, just for something to do besides sitting on the deck listening to merchant tales, and polishing her armor.

Finally after a week of being stuck on boats, Cae and Idwal led their horses off the elven barge and up to the gates of the Halls of the elven Kings. They quickly handed their horses off to the stable hands.

And a rather confused sentry led them to the great Hall where the Elven King lounged high upon his throne. His sword leaned against it in a seemingly lazy manner. Cae knew that it was at the perfect position for the Elven King to grab in one fluid motion.

The Elven King stared down Caerwyn in a fashion that didn't betray any emotion.

" Not that I don't enjoy the company of your presence Princess-General Telcontar, but for what reason am I enjoying the pleasure of this visit?"

Caerwyn raised an eyebrow beneath her mask "I received a message that you.."

Her sentence cut short as a familiar scent hit her nose , Orc.

In an instant Her twin blades were in her hands and the Elven King was beside her sword in hand. Idwal was calmly palming his daggers.

Cae looked over at the Elven King with a smirk on her face. "It seems as if I'm not the only intruder in your realm today. "

The Elven King looked at Cae in a long suffering manner , his bright blue eyes piercing into her.
" Yes, but you are the only guest today who gets to leave with their head."

The stench of Orcs grew stronger

The Elven King rolled his shoulders, "Come they are near the gates"

He took off with long strides befitting his elongated frame ( him being 6'5) , Caerwyn and Idwal flanking him.

They reached the main gate right as the hoard arrived. The numbers surprised Caerwyn, usually there are ten or less in a band of Orcs. There were over a hundred present by her count.

More for the killing. She grinned broadly at the Elven King , taking the head of the first Orc , black gore sprayed over her.

She moved to her second Orc when there was a bright flash and a boom , For a moment the only thought that came to her mind was that she had been struck by lightning before nothingness swallowed her.

Thranduil and Idwal started in horror at the charred spot on the ground where Caerwyn had just been standing.

An inhuman growl tumbled from The Elven Kings throat as he surged forward with ferocity not seen in ages.

Idwal was a blur of angry daggers. Mad tears blurring his vision.

For all these two knew Caerwyn was no more.

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