Part 19= preparing

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Jisoo's POV

The elevator opened and once it did, We already are at the floor. 

"Go to Jimin, I have to go to Sir Seokjin Now." I said to Chae while we both exit the elevator.

"Aww.. Ok!! Good luck unnie!!" She said and hugged me. I hugged back. soon, we let go.

"See you later." I said to her and she smiled at me then..

"Hey Chae!!" We heard someone call out making us look where the voice came from and It was Jimin then, he approached us.

"Hello miss Jisoo!!" He greeted and I smiled at him.

"Hi!! Well, I have to go do my work now." I said and they both nodded at me then, I made my way to Sir Seokjin's office but I stopped halfway. I then turned around to the both of them and..

"Dont do anything naughty guys!!" I said and smirked. I looked at their faces. Jimin was bushing along with Chae but She is mouthing unnie i will kill you later to me. I chuckled then continued to make my way to Sir Seokjin's office. Soon, I arrived infront of his office. I opened the door and entered.

"Good morning" I heard him greet. He was beside my table, standing. 

"Good morning sir.." I greeted back as I smiled and lightly bow at him.

"Have you read {Past tense} the book I gave you??" He asked me.

"Yes sir. I stopped reading at Page... 51." I answered and he smiled at me.

"That's good." He said and I made my way to my chair. I sat down and prepared some stuff.

"Alright, so.. For now, I want you to buy some stuff for your work such as notebooks, pen and more. You must be finished shopping by.." He said and stopped to look at his watch. "At 8:30-9 am." He continued.

"Ok sir." I said.

"Then, once you are finished shopping, of course you have to set up and stuff and when your finished, please read the book I gave you again until.. page 76. Then, once you are done reading, write down things you have learned on a bond paper. You can write whatever. then, if your done with all these things, please inform me." He explained and I stood up.

"Noted sir. I will do it with all my best." I said.

"Thank you. You may start." He said and made his way to his office. I stood up and grabbed my phone and wallet from my bag then, I exited my office. I made my way outside the building then, I went to a near mall. 

Namjoon's POV

"That's all you need to know. You all may continue doing your job." I said to everyone in the meeting room. everyone stood up and bowed at each other before gathering their things and leaving. Im Kim Namjoon. The head boss meaning im the highest among the bosses. 

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I gathered up all my stuff after they all left then, I exited the meeting room

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I gathered up all my stuff after they all left then, I exited the meeting room. I went to my office and dropped my things but I didnt sit yet cause I wanna buy a drink from the cafeteria. I exited my office and made my way down there then, when I saw Jihyo waiting in line.

I made my way to her and waited Behind her. Then, She turned around and saw me.

"Oh!! hey Oppa!" She greeted with a smile and I smiled back.

"Hello!! How Long have you been waiting here?" I asked and she started to think.

"Hm.. uh probably About 2-4 Minutes ago." She answered.


Soon, The person infront of her, left meaning that person has claimed her order making Jihyo turn back and go forward then, she proceeded to Order.

I saw her smiling and Joking with the cafeteria girl and I smiled at her. I moved forward and looked down. I guess I am kinda falling for her..

But I don't think she can catch me.

MY LAWYER || JINSOOWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt