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It’s raining. It’s cold and I’m soaking wet. I’m here at the waiting shed waiting, of course, for the bus going home. It’s getting dark and I’m wondering why is the bus taking so long?

I’m shivering when someone talked and handed me a coat. “You might need this.”, he said.

I hesitated but as I said, I’m shivering so I grabbed the opportunity.

“uh, thanks.” I said looking at him. He laughed and said. “Don’t worry I’m not a bad person. I’m also waiting for the bus and I thought you just need company”

I smiled and thanked him.

I guess it’s not so bad after all. We’ve talked for hours. We’ve talked about his life, my life, our problems in life and about anything that came up.

Still no sign of the bus. It’s dark and the lampost’s our only life.

“Let me tell you a story.”, he said and smiled bitterly, “It’s about a boy who lost his first ever paper plane. Haha, don’t mind the title. Just listen. Once there was a boy who had his first ever paper plane. He was so obssessed that it became his life. His world, that time, is about that. One day, he threw the plane far above the sky. He never knew where the plane landed. He never have the feels to look for that plane.

‘I’ll just make another. Far more better than the first’, he thought. He spent all his time making a better paper plane. He lost track of time. Until, he came back to reality. He must find the plane. ‘If I can’t make a better plane, I must find the best plane I’ve ever had’, he thought. Then, he fixed himself then went off finding the lost paper lane. He went to places he never knew he’ll go to.

Until the day he found the plane. He found the best plane he’d ever had. Someone found it and took care of it.

He crashed. He never knew he wasted the time making another paper plane better than the first instead of looking for it because it was the best.

After that, he never made another paper plane again.”

He’s smiling bitterly while there were tears in his eyes. Now, I get it. It's my turn to tell a story.

"Well, you might think you have the saddest story, I, too, has a sad story." I said and smiled.

"It's not that sad compared to yours but well, it's sad. Haha. So, here it goes. There was once a girl who have this new balloon she loved so much. She was jolly and gay. She was so happy that day. Few days after, the balloon flew so high she can't even reach it. Then, the balloon flew far, far away she lost track.

'I'll wait until it come back. I'm sure it'll come back.', she thought. Days, months, years had passed. No sign of the balloon. She never thought of looking for it because, first of all, where will she look? Then, that's it. She waited for nothing.

She never wanted to lost the balloon she loved so much. She never wanted it gone. She never expected it. She never.

Then that's it. The balloon never came back and it had never been like before. Just like the balloon, her life was all gone. She feels like a living dead. A zombie.", I'm teary-eyed but I wiped it off and started talking again.

"Your story. I think he might be off that way. I'm sure he'll find another one way better than his first. He just have to look around." Then I looked at him. He's smiling.

"I think he found it.", he said while looking at me and he's smiling. "Ah, your story. I know there will be someone or something that can change her, again. And I'm sure it'll come in no time. Just wait and relax.

"Yeah, I think, she also found it.", and smiled.

We both talked about other things. It's so nice to meet a friend like him.

Until the bus came. And we parted ways.

Now, we'll make another story and this time, it'll sure be happy.

"You'll never know when, where, or how will it come. It might be tomorrow, next week, next year. It might be anywhere, the dump site, the school, the house, the bus stop. It might be at your worst, or at your best. But when the right time comes, grab the opportunity and never let go of it, Again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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