Chapter one

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"SCARLEEEEEEEEEEEEEETT" My brother Ethan yells. I was used to yelling because I live with three brothers. Zach is in high school, Jack is in 8th grade, and Ethan is in first grade. I was in 5th grade. "What now?" I thought. "SCARLEEEET""-I heard you the first time!" I cut my brother off. " Mom says you need to do the laundry." "Can't you do it?" I asked. "You never do the laundry. "I did it yesterday! And your next on the list." Ethan says in his usual annoying voice. "Ok ok I'll do it. Just get out of my room!" "Ok ok" he says as he walks out of my room. I open a drawer in my closet and pick up a purple mask. "This is gonna be another smelly clean up." I think as I put the mask on. My brothers are supper dirty and their rooms smell so bad. I walk into Jack's room first because we have a bathroom that connects both of our rooms. "Jacks room is not so stinky..." I think as I pick up his laundry basket. "Jack, do you have any more laundry?" I ask. "Nope. Oh! By the way I took a shower, as you can tell." He said. I looked at him up and down. "Yeah I can tell. Wait, is that Jamison?" I asked staring at his phone. "Yeah! Say hi!" "Hi bye" I say as I quickly walk out of the room. I did not have a phone because I was only 11 years old, but I do have an iPad that I text and call my friends with! My mom said that she would get me a phone when I start 6th grade. "Ok. Next up is Zach's room. And make sure to knock." I think. Zach is a teen, and you know what that means. He has strict rules that you have to follow. One, ALLWAYS knock on his room door. Two, NEVER clean up his room. And three, DONT fix his hair without his permission. If you don't follow these rules, he WILL start swearing and throwing stuff at you. And I know because all of my siblings and friends have experienced it. And I have to. I walk down the stairs, through the living room, and down the hall. I knock three times on Zach'a door and say "it's me Scarlett! I'm here to get your laundry!" I say hoping he will let me in. "Ok you can come in." He says in his deep voice. I walk into his room and quickly, grab his laundry basket. Right when I'm about to leave his room he says "wait." I look back. "What?" I ask. "Never mind. Get out." "Ok." I walk out and open the door to Ethans room. "Zach's room was not smelly..." I think. I almost threw up. Ethans room smelled disgusting! As usual. I quickly grabbed his laundry basket, and ran out of his room. I walked across the kitchen to the laundry room. I put the laundry in the laundry Machine and went back up to my room and flopped down on my bed. Just when I was about to play a video game in my iPad, I herd my iPad ring. I answered. "Scarlett why aren't you at the gym?" My best friend Emily said to me with a worried look on her face. "Omg! I totally forgot! I'll be right their. Bye!" I hung up and rushed to my dresser. I quickly put in my leotard, put my hair in a ponytail, and ran to the kitchen. I left a note on the kitchen table saying "I have gone to gymnastics practice. Don't worry" for my mom and dad. I grabbed my water bottle and rushes out the door. The gym was only three blocks away so I was allowed to go their by myself.  I ran all the way to the gym. I pushed the front door open and went to the team room.

The Tail of Scarlett Jackson حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن