Liked it? What the hell is wrong with you?

"Could you... maybe... get off me?" I whispered.

He blinked, as if unsure of what to make of me, before coming to his senses and processing my question. Slowly, he lifted himself upwards, and sat back. The warmth left me instantly, and for some reason, I missed it.

I tried to sit up, but instead, fell into him, so that I was almost straddling him. Jace pulled my arm that he was still gripping onto, so that I didn't lose my balance. Our faces were so close, that I could almost taste the mint on his breath.

"You..." I whispered. "You can let me go now."

He frowned, looking down at his grip on my wrist, and then instantly released it. His body stiffened, as he looked back up at me. "So can you."

I glanced down in confusion, and then widened my eyes in shock. My hand had been placed on his side near his ribs when I was balancing for support, and I hadn't moved it. I yanked it away, and mumbled an apology, now unsure of where to put my hands. His almost bewildered stare hardened, and he shoved me back. Fumbling so that I didn't fall over, I clumsily tried to stand up, awkwardly pulling my joggers back over my crotch when I caught his gaze shifting uncomfortably over me.

"I'm so sorry, we kinda share a bathroom now, and I-"

"You really think I give a shit?" He scowled, hissing at me quietly so that no one woke up and found me in his room. "Just get the hell out."

I blinked at him.

"Before I kill you."

"Oh. Right. Yes. Okay."

I sped away, almost knocking over a shelf, and hurried to the door of the en-suite.

"One last thing," he said, surprising me as he grabbed my arm.

I looked back at him, my heart beating wildly in my chest. "Yeah?"

He pulled me close, his voice low, and cold. "If you ever come in here like that again, I will fucking use you."

My breath caught in my throat. I wanted to show him that I wasn't afraid. That I wasn't some little kid he could boss around. But instead, I found myself looking up at him. "Trust me," I whispered, trying to make my voice as cold, and as hard as his. "I won't."

As I shut the door behind me, I paused, leaning against it. It could have been my imagination, or just lack of sleep, but I could have sworn it took a few seconds before I heard his footsteps walk away.

I leaned my burning forehead against the wood, and I sighed.


To say coming downstairs the next morning was awkward would be understatement.

I had silently prayed that Jace would've already left for the day on one of his many sexually motivated missions, but instead, the fates decided to prove my growing misfortune by sitting him at the kitchen island when I walked in.

The entire family was in there preparing breakfast, which made it so much worse. I stopped dead in my tracks as I entered the large open kitchen, trying not to let my face show my embarrassment as the memories of last night resurfaced.

His unreadable dark eyes instantly found mine, and it all came flooding back.

His face hovering above me.

Two strong hands pinning me down.

The soft smell of sandalwood on his skin.

His fingers touching my throat.

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